Thursday, March 20, 2008

Spy Wednesday

I arrived at the Pro. at about ten to five o'clock, just after the consecration at Fr Terence's private Low Mass, the remainder of which I then heard, before going to the sacristy to vest for to serve the next Low Mass. Even with the reading of the St Luke Passion, this Mass only took forty minutes; Fr Terence came back to the sanctuary to read the Passion together with his confrere.

But then, after Mass, we had to carry a very heavy long kneeler over to the parish centre, which was being set up for the Good Friday Liturgy; I can now well imagine the weight of the Cross. More organization went on, with carrying of chairs and candles, and the stripping of the altar at the Pro. (since there will be no Mass there tomorrow).

Tourists coming by - as happens daily - were glad to find a spot for Mass, and delighted to see that "everything old is new again".

I thought I was now able to escape, but no! Fr Rowe wanted me to come round to his place to get the music organized for Easter Sunday at Kelmscott and Bunbury... so, after dropping Aaron at the train station and buying some Chimay to bring along, I ended up having dinner with three priests, and then practising the Vidi aquam, Ad regias Agni dapes, Missa Orbis factor, and various other ditties, before folding the Tenebræ booklets for Father.

It was after 10pm by the time I left and stopped off at the 24 hour supermarket on my way home; I nearly fell asleep in my car (after I parked, I hasten to add). And now, very soon, to bed...

But I cannot let this day pass without recalling with horror the wickedness of Judas, who this day so shamefully betrayed Our Lord for filthy lucre, as foretold by Zacharias the prophet (xi, 12-13; St Matthew xxvi, 15) - recalling that the Christian who sins sins worse than unhappy Judas, for the Christian ought know better.

R/. Revelabunt cæli iniquitatem Judæ, et terra adversus eum consurget: et manifestum erit peccatum illius in die furoris Domini, * Cum eis qui dixerunt Domino Deo: Recede a nobis, scientiam viarum tuarum nolumus.
V/. In die perditiones servabitur, et ad diem ultionis ducetur. * Cum eis qui dixerunt Domino Deo: Recede a nobis, scientiam viarum tuarum nolumus.
R/. Revelabunt cæli iniquitatem Judæ, et terra adversus eum consurget: et manifestum erit peccatum illius in die furoris Domini, * Cum eis qui dixerunt Domino Deo: Recede a nobis, scientiam viarum tuarum nolumus.

(R/. The heavens will reveal the iniquity of Judas and the earth will rise up against him; his sin will be manifest on the day of the Lord’s wrath. * He will be with those who have said to the Lord God, Depart from us, we do not desire the knowledge of your ways!
(V/. He will be kept for the day of destruction; to be led forth on the day of wrath. * He will be with those who have said to the Lord God, Depart from us, we do not desire the knowledge of your ways!
(R/. The heavens will reveal the iniquity of Judas and the earth will rise up against him; his sin will be manifest on the day of the Lord’s wrath. * He will be with those who have said to the Lord God, Depart from us, we do not desire the knowledge of your ways!)

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