Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Holy Week and Easter Schedule at St John's Pro-Cathedral

(NB Private Low Masses for Holy Wednesday: before and after 5pm, at the Pro.)

Maundy Thursday

8pm: Solemn High Mass and Adoration - at St Brigid's Church, Northbridge.

Good Friday

10am: Stations of the Cross - at St John's Pro-Cathedral, Perth.

1:30pm: Stations of the Cross - at St John's Pro-Cathedral, Perth.

3pm: Solemn Liturgy of the Passion and Death of Our Lord - in the hall at the Cathedral Parish Centre, Perth (just round the corner from the Pro., which will be too small to host the mass of the faithful; owing to all other parishes having their services at the same time, we were unable to obtain a church to make use of, and so will celebrate today's liturgy in very stark, albeit air-conditioned, surroundings, as had to be done for Christmas Midnight Mass).

7:30pm: Tenebrae - at St Brigid's Church, Northbridge. (His Grace the Archbishop will preside.)

Holy Saturday

7:30pm: Vigil of the Twelve Prophecies - at St John's Pro-Cathedral, Perth (these are being done as a standalone devotion, so as to have the pre-Pian lessons and still adhere to the 1962 Missal, as is proper).

9:30pm: Vigil of Holy Saturday and Solemn High Mass of Easter - at St Brigid's Church, Northbridge.

Easter Sunday

7:30am (sung), 9:15am (Solemn High), and 11:15am (Low): Masses - at St John's Pro-Cathedral, Perth.

2pm: Sung Mass - at Good Shepherd Church, Kelmscott.

6pm: Sung Mass - at St Thomas' Church, Carey Park (in Bunbury).

Easter Monday

9am: Low Mass - at St Thomas' Church, Carey Park (in Bunbury).

5.30pm: Low Mass - at St John's Pro-Cathedral, Perth.

It goes without saying that the liturgies of the Sacred Triduum will be solemnized with chant and polyphony, as is most just.

After attending the ceremonies of the Thursday and Friday, culminating with Saturday's Vigil (both of them!), and hopefully my usual 9.15am Sunday Mass at the Pro., I will be driving out to and singing at the Kelmscott Easter Sunday Mass, and then travelling down to Bunbury with priests, servers, and friends, for the sung Mass(es) there in the evening and next morning, and returning on Monday to Perth for - more Masses. Hopefully we will have sung Mass every day of the Octave, as we did last year. Stay tuned for my reports!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for doing this Josh...all those location changes and additional pew sheets had prietty much confused me as to where I had to go. I'm glad someone has their finger on the button, though, with all that extra work Father Rowe is getting you to do, I can well understand why.
