Friday, February 8, 2008

Devotions at the Pro

From 5.30pm onwards there will be Stations of the Cross, followed by Low Mass, and then a Eucharistic Procession to the Grotto of Our Lady, where the Rosary will be said before the Blessed Sacrament on the Grotto Altar, and Benediction given, in order to gain the special Lourdes indulgence.

*Update* I was dragooned into serving at the Marian/Eucharistic Holy Hour! And now my right knee is really sore (an old injury has flared up this past week). :-(

I stopped off after work at the Redemptorist Monastery to be shriven, and got to the Pro at 6.15pm, walking in just as Fr was arranging the chalice on the altar, being about to start Low Mass. After Mass (Lenten feria, with commemoration of St John of Matha), I was summoned to serve alongside Aaron (who'd served the Mass as he usually does): so, on with cassock and surplice, and on to light up all the candles on the altar, the big six and the two candelabras...

The Holy Hour began just before 7pm, with "O salutaris" at Exposition. Then, all taking up the Lourdes hymn, a Eucharistic procession went forth to the Grotto, with Henry carrying the umbrellino over the Blessed Sacrament.

The Grotto altar had been cleaned and dressed; we arrived as George was struggling to light the last of the candles there (again, big six and two candelabras). Then, Novena Prayer to Our Lady of Lourdes, another longer prayer to the same, Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary, Prayers for the Pope's intentions, Litany of Loreto (chanted in Latin) and finally Benediction.

Next, back to the Pro (singing "Sweet Sacrament Divine"), and, once there, "Soul of my Saviour", Prayer for Conversion of Australia, a second Benediction (concluding with Reposition accompanied by Ps 116 with "Adoremus in aeternum", after the Divine Praises), and final hymn "O purest of creatures", concluding just before 8pm.

The Lourdes Holy Hour had been designated as one of our pre-WYD events, so it was good to say hi to some of our fellow-pilgrims-to-be afterward. Several of us then had dinner with Fr, making a pleasant end to a tiring but rewarding day.

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