Friday, February 8, 2008

Day of Ashes

Lent began, for me, with Office of Readings read in our chapel, followed by Lauds sung with the guys - our office hymn was "The glory of these forty days", with its stirring words. Then, off to work...

In the evening, Andrew, Justin and myself formed the choir for Fr Rowe's Missa Cantata, preceded of course by the blessing and imposition of ashes. Missa XVIII and Gregorian Propers - we only sang the "Emendemur in melius" sans Gloria, since there weren't that many to be ashed - with Offertory motet "Attende Domine et miserere", and the Communion sung with psalm-verses. For a recessional we sang James McAuley's "May this Lenten discipline", a favourite of mine.

Several of us got together to 'break' the fast with a (Lenten) meal afterwards.

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