Thursday, March 24, 2022

Papal Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary

Saviour of the world, save Russia – from all the wickedness of her tyrannical government, from all her mad dreams of empire and unjust domination, from all her shameful prostitution of the Gospel and supposedly orthodox Christianity in the service of a junior antichrist, from all her cynical perversion of the truth into lies, from all the endemic lawlessness, impunity, thuggery, amorality and corruption of her criminal elite, from all the complicity of her military, administration and everyday people in evil, from all her hateful crimes against the people of Ukraine and other nations – and save us all from our sins, for all have sinned; granting this in thy mercy at the prayers and all-prevailing supplications of the Most Holy Mother of God. Her Immaculate Heart will triumph!

To this end, pray as the Pope will pray in Rome on the Solemnity of the Annunciation, Anno Domini 2022, and join in the Act of Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.


  1. For some reason you forgot to mention the conversion of Russia to Catholicism.

  2. A prayer for the salvation of Russia implies the same. I was focussing on beseeching the Lord to deliver her from the seven devils more wicked than the one driven out for a time (the demon of communism), which have possessed unhappy Russia since that mean little KGB criminal seized power.

  3. And in particular, if the Saviour deigns to save Russia from "her shameful prostitution... of supposedly orthodox Christianity", that would imply amongst other things his granting to her of a truly orthodox and therefore truly Catholic faith.
