Sunday, February 20, 2022

Four Responsories Suitable to the Time

Ukraine is threatened with imminent war; pray for that beleaguered nation, that war be averted even now – herewith, as food for prayer, four very suitable responsories from those in the Breviary for the month of October, when the lessons at Matins are taken from the Books of the Machabees, and the responsories reflect their anxious concerns:

Responsory 1. (V. Ps. 58, 12)

R. Congregáti sunt inimíci nostri, et gloriántur in virtúte sua: cóntere fortitúdinem illórum, Dómine, et dispérge illos: * Ut cognóscant quia non est álius qui pugnet pro nobis, nisi tu, Deus noster.

V. Dispérge illos in virtúte tua, et déstrue eos, protéctor noster, Dómine. * Ut cognóscant quia non est álius qui pugnet pro nobis, nisi tu, Deus noster.

R. Our enemies are gathered together, and make their boast of their own strength; O Lord, break their power, and scatter them, * That they may know that there is none other that fighteth for us, but only thou, O our God!

V. Scatter them in thy strength, and destroy them, O Lord our Shield. * That they may know that there is none other that fighteth for us, but only thou, O our God!

Responsory 2. (1 Mach. 4, 8. 9. 10)

R. Impetum inimicórum ne timuéritis: mémores estóte, quómodo salvi facti sunt patres nostri: * Et nunc clamémus in cælum et miserébitur nostri Deus noster.

V. Mementóte mirabílium ejus, quæ fecit pharaóni et exercítui ejus in Mari Rubro. * Et nunc clamémus in cælum et miserébitur nostri Deus noster.

R. Be ye not afraid of the assault of the enemy; remember how our fathers were delivered. * Now, therefore, let us cry unto heaven, and our God will have mercy upon us.

V. Remember His marvellous works that He hath done unto Pharaoh and his host in the Red Sea. * Now, therefore, let us cry unto heaven, and our God will have mercy upon us.

Responsory 3. (Cf. 2 Par. 20, 12; V. 1 Mach. 3, 52. 53)

R. Congregátæ sunt gentes in multitúdine, ut dímicent contra nos, et ignorámus quid ágere debeámus: * Dómine Deus, ad te sunt óculi nostri, ne pereámus.

V. Tu scis quæ cógitant in nos: quómodo potérimus subsístere ante fáciem illórum, nisi tu ádjuves nos? * Dómine Deus, ad te sunt óculi nostri, ne pereámus.

R. The heathen are assembled together to fight against us, and we know not what we should do: * Our eyes look unto thee, O Lord our God, that we should not perish.

V. What things they imagine against us, thou knowest; how shall we be able to stand against them, except thou be our help? * Our eyes look unto thee, O Lord our God, that we should not perish.

Responsory 4. (V. Cf. 2 Mach. 1, 28)

R. Aperi óculos tuos, Dómine, et vide afflictiónem nostram: circumdedérunt nos gentes ad puniéndum nos: * Sed tu, Dómine, exténde brácchium tuum, et líbera ánimas nostras.

V. Afflíge oppriméntes nos et contuméliam faciéntes in supérbiam; et custódi partem tuam. * Sed tu, Dómine, exténde brácchium tuum, et líbera ánimas nostras.

V. Glória Patri, et Fílio, et Spirítui Sancto. * Sed tu, Dómine, exténde brácchium tuum, et líbera ánimas nostras.

R. Open thine eyes, O Lord, and behold our affliction: for the heathen are come round about us to punish us. * But thou, O Lord, stretch forth thine arm, and deliver our souls.

V. Punish them that oppress us and with pride do us wrong, and keep thine own portion. * But thou, O Lord, stretch forth thine arm, and deliver our souls.

V. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. * But thou, O Lord, stretch forth thine arm, and deliver our souls.

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