Sunday, August 15, 2021

Consecration to Our Lady Queen of the Angels - Fifth Anniversary

Particularly at this time, it is wise to redouble one’s prayers and consecrate oneself to Our Lady, as the Queen of Angels Latin Mass Community of the Archdiocese of Hobart first did five years ago; for convenience, here are some suitable forms to employ:

Aña. Ave, Regina cælorum, 

Ave, Domina Angelorum:

Salve, radix, salve, porta,

Ex qua mundo lux est orta:

Gaude, Virgo gloriosa,

Super omnes speciosa,

Vale, o valde decora,

Et pro nobis Christum exora.

V. Ave María, Regína Angelórum.

R. Ora pro nobis servis tuis.


Oratio. Supplicatiónem servórum tuórum, Deus miserátor, exáudi: ut qui in Communitáte Regínæ Angelórum congregámur, ejus intercessiónibus, a te de instántibus perículis eruámur. Per Christum Dóminum nostrum. R. Amen.


(Ant. Hail, O Queen of Heaven enthroned,

Hail, by angels mistress owned,

Root of Jesse, Gate of Morn

Whence the world's true light was born:

Glorious Virgin, joy to thee,

Loveliest whom in heaven they see;

Fairest thou, where all are fair,

Plead with Christ our souls to spare.

(V. Hail Mary, Queen of the Angels.

(R. Pray for us thy servants.

(Let us pray.

(Collect. Graciously hear the supplication of thy servants, O merciful God, that we, who are gathered in the Community of the Queen of the Angels, may, at her intercession, by thee be delivered from threatening dangers. Through Christ our Lord. R. Amen.)


Consecration to Our Lady, Queen of Angels.

Holy Virgin, Sovereign of the heavenly hierarchies, who by the august title of Mother of God have been raised to the dignity of Queen of Angels, we unite ourselves today to those blessed spirits to render to you our duty and our profound homage; we come to consecrate ourselves forever to your service. We already belong, it is true, to your beloved Congregation; however, permit us to declare loudly, O Mary, that we are and will always be your children. Immaculate Virgin, who have never been invoked in vain, show that you are truly our mother; we beseech you, show to us, especially during these rejoicings, that we are passing through the midst of a corrupt world that will strive to deceive us; show the enemies of our salvation that you are more powerful to save us than they are to destroy us; govern us by the good offices of our celestial Guardians. We must fight the infernal legions, an evil and seductive world, and especially our passions and evil inclinations; who will defend us against such formidable enemies if you do not come to our rescue? You are terrible as an army in battle array: it is for you to support us in these battles. O Mary, bright star of the sea, guide us in the midst of this stormy sea, so full of pitfalls that many of the virtuous have been wrecked! You are beautiful as the lily among thorns: preserve us in an inviolable purity in the midst of universal corruption. We entrust to you the precious deposit of our innocence, which will be safer in your hands, O Virgin of virgins, whose purity exceeds that of the same Angels. O Mother most amiable, enlarge your heart, open to us a refuge against the fury and dangerous seductions of the infernal dragon whose head you crushed. You are all powerful with the Almighty: gain for us, we beseech you, all relief that we need to overcome the devil, the world and ourselves. Finally, obtain for us the grace to lead an angelic life, that we may deserve to be assisted and strengthened at the hour of death, by you and by our holy angels, and be rewarded in heaven. Amen.

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