Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Prayers in Time of Universal Contagion

Ever since the end of February, I’ve been praying for deliverance from the present pandemic, and have over time developed a sort of litany for daily use, derived from various traditional prayers, as follows (first in Latin, then in English) – note, that in Latin you don’t say “the city of N” but instead “the N* city”, where N* is the adjectival form of N; similarly, Latin prefers to use an adjective (spineam Coronam, “thorny crown”) where the English employs a genitive (“crown of thorns”); and obviously one should replace the name(s) of the place(s) and region(s) prayed for with one’s own place(s) and region(s) of concern:

Preces in tempore universalis contagii. 

Sanctus Deus, Sanctus Fortis, Sanctus Immortalis, miserere nobis: et sicut pepercisti clementer contritæ Urbi Ninivæ, sic et parce Stephanopoli (add. et Melburniæ et Sydneio et Brisbanæ et Perthiæ et Adelaidopoli et Darwin et Camberræ). — Parce nobis, Domine. 

Sancta Trinitas, unus Deus, pro avertenda peste, qua nos punis, vota Tasmaniæ (add. et Victoriæ et Novæ Cambriæ Australis et Terræ Reginæ et Australiæ Occidentalis et Australiæ Australis et Territorii Septentrionalis et Territorii Capitalis Australiani) urbisque (vel: urbiumque) Stephanopolitani (add. et Melburnensis et Sydneyensis et Brisbanensis et Perthensis et Adelaidopolitani et Darvinensis et Camberrensis) benigne exaudi. — Exaudi nos, Domine. 

Per spíneam Corónam tuam, — Líbera nos, Dómine. 

A flagéllo pestiléntiæ, — Líbera nos, Dómine. 
A perículo infectiónis, — Líbera nos, Dómine. 
Ab aëris corruptióne, — Líbera nos, Dómine. 

Ut a nobis pestiléntiæ flagéllum avértere dignéris, — Te rogámus, audi nos. 
Ut nos ab homínibus et rebus inféctis custodíre dignéris, — Te rogámus, audi nos. 
Ut auram salúbrem nobis impertíri dignéris, — Te rogámus, audi nos. 
Ut mereámur pestem epidémiæ illǽsi pertransíre, — Te rogámus, audi nos. 
Ut mereámur præservári a peste mortífera, — Te rogámus, audi nos. 
Ut civitátem istam (vel: civitates istas) deféndere, protégere, custodíre, conserváre et benedícere dignéris, — Te rogámus, audi nos. 

Domina nostra, Salus infirmorum, — Ora pro nobis. 
Sancte Sebastiane, — Ora pro nobis. 
Sancte Roche, — Ora pro nobis. 
Sancte Thoma, — Ora pro nobis. 
Sancta Rosalia, — Ora pro nobis. 

V. Dómine, dic Angelo percutienti populum: 
R. Sufficit; nunc contine manum tuam. (Cf. 2 Reg. 24, 16) 


Peccatis nostris indignationem tuam meruimus, Domine, ut mortiferæ pestilitatis territi, contagio juste contremiscamus; sed intercessione beatæ semper Virginis Mariæ, sanctorumque tuorum Sebastiani, Rochi Thomæ atque Rosaliæ placatus, mala quibus affligimur clementer averte. Per Christum Dominum nostrum. R. Amen. 

O adorande Plasmator, — Exaudi nos, et miserere populo tuo. 
O omnipotens Sanator, — Exaudi nos, et miserere populo tuo. 
O optime Consolator, — Exaudi nos, et miserere populo tuo. 
O misericors et miserator et juste Domine Deus noster, — Exaudi nos, et miserere populo tuo. (Cf. Ps. 111, 4)

Prayers in Time of Universal Contagion.

Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us: and as thou didst clemently spare the contrite city of Nineveh, so also spare Launceston (add. and Melbourne and Sydney and Brisbane and Perth and Adelaide and Darwin and Canberra). — Spare us, O Lord. 

Holy Trinity, one God, for averting the plague, by which thou punishest us, benignly hear the prayer of Tasmania (add. and Victoria and New South Wales and Queensland and Western Australia and South Australia and the Northern Territory and the Australian Capital Territory) and of the city (or: cities) of Launceston (add. and Melbourne and Sydney and Brisbane and Perth and Adelaide and Darwin and Canberra). — Graciously hear us, O Lord.  

By thy Crown of thorns, — Deliver us, O Lord. 

From the scourge of pestilence, — Deliver us, O Lord. 
From peril of infection, — Deliver us, O Lord. 
From corruption of the air, — Deliver us, O Lord. 

That thou wouldst vouchsafe to avert the scourge of pestilence from us, — We pray thee, hear us. 
That thou wouldst vouchsafe to guard us from infected men and objects, — We pray thee, hear us. 
That thou wouldst vouchsafe to impart healthful air unto us, — We pray thee, hear us. 
That we may deserve to pass unharmed through the plague of the epidemic, — We pray thee, hear us. 
That we may deserve to be preserved from deadly plague, — We pray thee, hear us. 
That thou wouldst vouchsafe to defend, protect, guard, preserve and bless this city (or: these cities), — We pray thee, hear us. 

Our Lady, Health of the Sick, — Pray for us. 
Saint Sebastian, — Pray for us. 
Saint Roch, — Pray for us. 
Saint Thomas, — Pray for us. 
Saint Rosalia, — Pray for us. 

V. O Lord, say to the Angel striking the people: 
R. Enough; now hold thy hand. (Cf. 2 Sam. 24:16)

Let us pray. 

Our sins have deserved thine indignation, Lord, that, terrified of the deadly pestilence, we may justly tremble at contagion: but, appeased by the intercession of the Blessed ever-Virgin Mary, and of thy Saints Sebastian, Roch, Thomas and Rosalia, clemently avert the evils with which we are afflicted. Through Christ our Lord. R. Amen. 

O adorable Creator, — Hear us, and have mercy on thy people. 
O almighty Healer, — Hear us, and have mercy on thy people.
O best Consoler, — Hear us, and have mercy on thy people.
O merciful and compassionate and just Lord our God, — Hear us, and have mercy on thy people. (Cf. Ps. 111:4)

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