Monday, March 2, 2020

Coronavirus Comes to Town

Tasmania's first case of COVID-19 has just been announced here in Launceston. Of your charity, pray for his recovery, and for the safety of those treating him, and of all whom he has encountered en route to this city – hopefully this novel infection has not yet spread to others, or if it has, it can be prevented from spreading further. However, given the impending pandemic, it may be that this is the harbinger of a local outbreak, which God avert.

Sanctus Deus, Sanctus Fortis, Sanctus Immortalis, miserere nobis: et sicut pepercisti clementer contritæ Urbi Ninivæ, sic et parce Stephanopoli*.
Sancta Trinitas, unus Deus, pro avertenda peste, qua nos punis, vota Tasmaniæ urbisque Stephanopolitani† benigne exaudi.
Ut a pestilentiæ flagello nos liberare digneris, — Te rogamus, audi nos.
Ut civitatem istam defendere, protegere, custodire, conservare et benedicere digneris, — Te rogamus, audi nos.
Domina nostra, Salus infirmorum, — Ora pro nobis.
Sancte Sebastiane, — Ora pro nobis.
Sancte Roche, — Ora pro nobis.
Sancta Rosalia, — Ora pro nobis.  
Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy upon us; and as thou didst clemently spare the contrite city of Nineveh, so also spare Launceston.
Holy Trinity, one God, for averting the plague, with which thou dost punish us, benignly hear the prayer of Tasmania and of the city of Launceston.
That thou vouchsafe to free us from the scourge of pestilence, — We beseech thee, hear us.
That thou vouchsafe to defend, protect, guard, preserve and bless this city, — We beseech thee, hear us.
Our Lady, Health of the sick, — Pray for us.
Saint Sebastian, — Pray for us.
Saint Roch, — Pray for us.
Saint Rosalia, — Pray for us.  
Gentle reader, please replace the italicised words with the names of whatever localities and regions you may wish to pray for.

* Having consulted the far-famed Fr Hunwicke, it seems fitting to render the placename Launceston, its name being derived from the Cornish Lannstevan, land of (St) Stephen, as Stephanopolis, especially by analogy with the New Zealand city of Christchurch being latinised as Christopolis.
† In Latin, one does not say, the city of Launceston, but the Launcestonian city, using the adjectival form.

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