Monday, December 10, 2018

An End and a Beginning

Last night was our last Missa cantata in Launceston at St Francis, Riverside – Fr Suresh, chaplain to the Tasmanian Latin Mass Community, will no longer drive north each month to offer the Holy Sacrifice for us, as he has done for four years now. Instead, from February onwards, the new priest for Meander Valley Parish will offer an EF Mass each Sunday at 11 am at Holy Trinity, Westbury, only 40 km away. While on Saturday I drove 150 km south to Colebrook to attend the first profession of three young monks of Notre Dame Priory – who took their vows during a beautiful Solemn High Mass coram Archiepiscopo of the Immaculate Conception – and used to drive more than 200 km each way to attend the Latin Mass in Hobart, now it will be available much closer to home, for which I give thanks to God, who has graciously answered our prayers.

UPDATE: Unfortunately, the EF Mass at Westbury was discontinued after only two months. From time to time, Fr Suresh will still come to Launceston to say Mass, however.

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