Thursday, January 19, 2017

The Three Bishops' Appeal in Seven Languages

I assume that the Appeal for Prayer was written by Bishop Schneider in German originally, but I have no knowledge of either language. If anyone can leave a comment as to which version sounds the most idiomatic, natural and untranslated, so to speak, I would be interested. According to an Italian site, these are the seven languages in which the Appeal has been released – again, if there are others, please leave a comment and link thereto.

Update: as Bishop Schneider speaks German, Russian, Italian and Portuguese, and also knows English and French, not to mention Latin and Greek, he may well have written each of these different versions, except for the Polish and Spanish ones.


Un appel urgent à la prière : pour que le Pape François confirme la praxis immuable de l’Église à l’égard de la vérité et de l’indissolubilité du mariage.


Appeal to prayer: That Pope Francis may confirm the unchanging praxis of the Church with regard to the truth of the indissolubility of marriage.


Appello alla preghiera: perché Papa Francesco confermi la prassi immutabile della Chiesa riguardo alla verità dell’indissolubilità del matrimonio


Wezwanie do modlitwy: Aby Papież Franciszek potwierdził niezmienną praktykę Kościoła względem prawdy o nierozerwalności małżeństwa.


Apelo universal à oração para que o Santo Padre confirme a imutável prática da Igreja relativa à verdade sobre a indissolubilidade do matrimónio.


Llamada a la oración: para que el Papa Francisco confirme la práctica invariable de la Iglesia sobre la verdad de la indisolubilidad del Matrimonio


Aufruf zum Gebet: damit Papst Franziskus die unveränderliche Praxis der Kirche von der Wahrheit der Unauflöslichkeit der Ehe bekräftige

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