Friday, May 27, 2016

Musical Source of the Offertory for St Philip Neri

Having checked through the Offertoriale, it is clear that the chant for the Offertory for the feast of St Philip Neri is taken from that of the 19th Sunday after Pentecost, Si ambulavero, thus: 

1Viam1 2man2-3datorum tuorum cucurri3, 4cum dilatasti4  5cor meum.5 (T. P. Alleluja.) 
1Si am1-bulavero in medio tribulationis, 4vivificabis4 me, Domine: et super 2i2-ram ini-3micorum meorum extendes3 manum tuam, et salvum me faciet 5dextera tua.5 

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