Monday, August 31, 2015

The Divine Praises – II

Following some thought, it strikes me that the late lamented Fr Bouyer was correct in suggesting that further additions to the Divine Praises would be fitting. I make bold to suggest – for private devotion only – that the following four additions are desirable:

After mention of the Blessed Sacrament:
  • Blessed be Jesus Christ the King.
After mention of the Holy Ghost:
  • Blessed be the Most Holy Trinity.
After mention of St Joseph:
  • Blessed be the Holy Family.
  • Blessed be the Holy Catholic Church.
All these four are tied together: Christ ought reign as King, not merely over hearts but over societies, so every state acknowledge his social reign, as Pius XI taught; and the pre-existent community in unity that is the Trinity has, as reflections and images on earth, both the Holy Family, itself the model of all true families – including a father, a mother and a child – and also the Holy Catholic Church, that marvellous divine gathering back into one of all the scattered sheep.

In this age, when the Church in her immaculate holiness is mocked and despised for the sins, real and imagined, of her members, when the family is attacked under the guise of promoting a so-called love that is but a cloak for sinful lusts opposed alike to the natural order and to divine justice, when the Trinity is unacknowledged and unworshipped, and Christ, Second Person thereof, Redeemer and Lawgiver and Judge, is more and more flagrantly rejected, disobeyed and mocked, so much the more ought the faithful remnant praise, bless and honour these sacred mysteries of our holy religion.

The Divine Praises were originally composed in Italian, and are often recited in Latin, so here are the four proposed extra blessings in those tongues:

Benedetto Gesù Cristo Re.
Benedetta la santissima Trinità.
Benedetta la santa Famiglia.
Benedetta la santa Chiesa cattolica.

Benedictus Jesus Christus Rex.
Benedicta sanctissima Trinitas.
Benedicta sancta Familia.
Benedicta sancta Ecclesia Catholica.


  1. But Joa=sh, once we go down this path, there'll be no end to it! I have already had people urging me to add "Blessed be his Divine Mercy", even saying that Pope John Paul II "ordered" it ... but I can find no evidence of that. Next they'll be wanting "Blessed be his Eternal Priesthood" and even "Blessed be Blessed Pier-Giorgio Frassati" ... which would make him twice-blessed, if you see what I mean.

    I appreciate your thoughts, but myself, I think it's better not to tinker! - Martin OP

  2. He did say for private devotion. So if he wishes he can add your suggestions too though you end up sounding as if you mean the last of them facetiously.
