Wednesday, June 10, 2015

June and July EF Masses in Launceston

On Sunday evening the 7th of June, we had our latest Missa cantata in Launceston: it was a beautiful Mass. Fr Suresh preached powerfully on the Real Presence as the touchstone of Catholic faith and devotion; the choir acquitted themselves well, of course; and at least the server (yours truly) noticed during the Epistle that he had put the side altar cards on the wrong sides, and switched them over while moving the missal to the Gospel corner.

Our next EF Mass will be held at 6 pm on Sunday 5th July: Fr Michael Rowe, my former parish priest in Perth, W.A., will offer it, since he is coming to the ACCC Conference in Hobart that finishes on the Friday beforehand. Last night, our choir began learning the new music: we will sing the solemn Salve as the Offertory Motet, and Adoro te after Communion. While we will continue to use psalm-tone  settings of the propers otherwise, we will sing the Gregorian melody of the Communion antiphon.

Many thanks to all who support this new venture!

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