Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Another Spanish Curiosity

At the back of Missæ quæ in Hispania specialiter celebrantur, one finds a note which, to paraphrase the Latin, allows all priests at all Masses, sung or said, to append the following collect to the collect(s), secret(s) and postcommunion(s), before the final long ending, as a sort of ever-repeated intercession; I would roughly translate the prayer thus:

"And keep from all adversity thy servants our Pope N., our Bishop N., and our King N., the Queen, and the Prince [of the Asturias – the title of the heir to the throne] with the Royal Issue, the people committed to them, and their army; concede to us peace and healthful times; and repel all evil from thy Church; and may the pagan and heretical nations be smashed by the power of thy right [hand]; and [deign to] set free by thy mercy the Christian captives, who are detained in the power of the Saracens; and vouchsafe to give and preserve the fruits of the earth."

A very Spanish take on the things to be prayed for!

And here is the actual text and rubrics:


Et famulos tuos, dici potest in Regnis Hispaniæ ex concessione Pii V & Gregorii XIII ab omnibus Sacerdotibus tum Sæcularibus, tum Regularibus, tàm in Missis Privatis, quàm cantatis, & conventualibus, quantùmcumque solemnibus, tàm post primas Orationes, quàm Secretas, & Postcommuniones. Et novissimè ex Decreto Sac. Rit. Congregationis 13 July 1675 à prædictis dici potest sequentibus verbis:

Et famulos tuos Papam nostrum N. Antistitem nostrum N. & Regem nostrum N. Reginam, & Principem cum Prole Regia, populo sibi commisso, & exercitu suo ab omni adversitate custodi: pacem, et salutem nostris concede temporibus: & ab Ecclesia tua cunctam repelle nequitiam; & gentes Paganorum, & Hæreticorum dexteræ tuæ potentia conterantur; & Captivos Christianos, qui in Saracenorum potestate detinentur, tua misericordia liberare, & fructus terræ dare, & conservare digneris.

Quando Missa habet unicam Orationem, dicitur immediatè post eam: si plures, post ultimam, semper sub eadem conclusione. Sed si Oratio concludit: Qui cum, terminabitur: Per eumdem Dominum.

Si in Missa dicitur Oratio pro Papa, vel vacante Sede Apostolica, omittuntur verba pro Papa; idem de Antistite, Rege, Regina, vel Principe.

Quando in Missa dicitur Oratio, A cunctis, Collecta dicitur sic:

Et famulos tuos Papam nostrum N. Antistitem nostrum N. & Regem nostrum N. Reginam, & Principem cum Prole Regia, populo sibi commisso, & exercitu suo ab omni adversitate custodi: & Captivos Christianos, qui in Saracenorum potestate detinentur, tua misericordia liberare, & fructus terræ dare, & conservare digneris.

Quando dicitur Oratio, Ecclesiæ, dicitur sic:

Et famulos tuos Papam nostrum N. Antistitem nostrum N. & Regem nostrum N. Reginam, & Principem cum Prole Regia, populo sibi commisso, & exercitu suo ab omni adversitate custodi: pacem, et salutem nostris concede temporibus; & Captivos Christianos, qui in Saracenorum potestate detinentur, tua misericordia liberare, & fructus terræ dare, & conservare digneris.

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