Thursday, August 14, 2014

Assumption & 10th Sunday after Pentecost Masses

As well as a sung Latin Mass on the third Sunday of August (the 17th of the month, which will be the tenth after Pentecost) at 10:30 am at Sacred Heart, New Town, our visiting Dominican, Fr Christopher, will sing Mass for the Assumption of Our Lady at 7:30 pm on Friday the 15th of August, likewise at Sacred Heart.

I will be driving down to Hobart after work on Friday, and staying for the weekend. Of your charity, please pray for me.


  1. Joshua this is the first thing i turn to when i log on. Thank you for this Ministry

  2. Many thanks for your vote of confidence!

  3. I use go under the nom de plume Matthias but in recognition of my English Recusant Catholic ancestors, and as Waugh's Sword of Honour trilogy had an undertone of recusancy about it, I thought i would take a different blogias

  4. To clarify, our visiting priest was Fr Christopher Dowd, O.P.
