Monday, May 12, 2014

3rd and 4th Sundays after Easter

Yester-day we had our usual Latin Mass in Hobart, not on the first but on the second Sunday, as Fr Quinn was at a conference interstate at the beginning of the month. Next Sunday, the 18th of May, we will have a Missa cantata at the earlier time of 10:00 am. Maintenance work is occurring at St Canice, so it is possible that we may have to relocate at least temporarily, but the details are still frantically being finalized.

I apologise for not having blogged much, but my time has been taken up with many most welcome blessings, to say nothing of the usual demands of work and ordinary life. I have also attended some happy events – such as the solemn Mass, with the singing of Palestrina's Missa Papæ Marcelli, for the installation of Fr Tattersall as parish priest of the personal parish for the Latin Mass community in Melbourne; and the ordination of my friend Justin to the diaconate at the Ukrainian Cathedral in Melbourne. God bless the two of them in their sacred ministry, to the glory of God and the sanctification of souls.

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