Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Latin Mass This Sunday: at St Canice, at 10:30am

I've just had it confirmed: our first "extra" Traditional Latin Mass for the Hobart Latin Mass Community will be sung this Sunday, the 16th of February, at the usual location – St Canice Church, Sandy Bay – but an hour earlier than usual, at 10:30 am.

We are grateful to Fr Marshall for flying in from Melbourne to offer Mass for us; he will be visiting for several days, and once details of when and where he will say Mass each day are available, I will assist in publicising them.

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful news and may there be a weekly Mass soon. You Tassie folk deserve it. We have happy memories of St Canice from circa 2007. Praying for you all. In Christo Keith and Pasty .
