Sunday, November 3, 2013

Good News, Tassie Traddies!

The text following was distributed to-day as a printout to those attending our monthly Missa cantata:

Anna Greener and Tony Robbie met with His Grace, Archbishop Porteous[,] on Friday 1 Nov. The following points came out of this meeting:
  • Archbishop Porteous is very supportive of our Community and would like to assist us to become a Parish in our own right. This would then mean that we would be able to celebrate all the Sacraments in the Tridentine Rite[.]
  • This cannot take place until we are able to find a Priest to regularly minister to our Community. His Grace is in the process of attempting to find a Priest for us but would welcome any suggestions of Priests who may be prepared to take on this role. He is very happy for us to have Mass said as often as we can find someone to say it for us.
  • He is happy for the proceeds of our offertory to be used to support the running of our Community, although there are administrative details to be sorted out[.]
  • He gives us his blessing as a Community and assures us that he will actively support us expressing our Faith in the traditional rite[.]
Anna Greener
Tony Robbie

Please join us in giving thanks to God for His Grace's support, and pray that this venture may prove fruitful. It is vital that our financial contributions suffice to support a priest to minister to our Latin Mass Community, so we must henceforth be even more generous…

I understand that to begin with arrangements will be made to have a Latin Mass each fortnight, beginning in December.

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely wonderful. Now all you need is a priest willing to serve the community. Failing that, I'm sure you guys could pitch in the airfare, say, for a priest from Melbourne to come down at least every two months in addition to the one per month you currently have. Add to that the fact that all sacraments can now be done in the TLM adds greatly to the life of the community. While the Trad priest is down he can do extensive community visitation, put on vespers and benediction in Sunday arvo so the community can make a day of it
