Friday, August 16, 2013

Dormitionist Breviary: Common of Saints

In response to requests, I am glad to proffer a further extract from the Dormitionist Breviary, illustrative of the devotion (not to say the peculiarly single-minded focus) of those most retiring of Canons Regular – for, just as their Missal, considering both their Mass rite and Mass propers, is a definite simplification to help concentrate upon "the one thing necessary", so too the Breviarium O.Dorm. is quite archaic in some ways, and yet also was at the outset deliberately simplified in other respects, the better to confirm, establish and strengthen the charism of the Order.

As the famous "four friars" revised and rendered uniform the liturgical books of the Friars Preachers, and as the Cistercians adapted the plainchant to their specific needs as an austere and reformed band of monastics, so the three Soporific Fathers, founders of the Dormitionists, were evidently zealous liturgists (with all that entails...).

I have previously given in full the Common Mass for feasts of Saints from the Missale O.Dorm. of 1785 (the current edition); now, from their Breviary, I (all unworthy) upload to the internet the Common of Saints according to the Divine Office pertaining to their Rite; because of their intrinsic interest, and their centrality to the Dormitionist Canons and their veneration of the Saints according to the custom of their Order, I first give the Matins lessons in translation, then append the Latin of the whole Common.

It will be noted that, for more expedition, I simply refer the interested reader to more easily-available Breviaries, rather than list the psalms appointed for the Hours (for the same reason, having noted some of them in an earlier post, I do not give the blessings for each lesson here); observe also that there is only one antiphon super psalmos at all Hours, similar to the Dominican custom of chanting all the Vesper psalms at feasts with only one antiphon appended, rather than one per psalm; and note the absence of a hymn at Matins – in common with the pre-Neo-Gallican Lyons Breviary, hymns are not used at all the Hours, but only at some (typically, Lauds, Vespers and Compline, and sometimes Matins).

But first, the Matins Lessons for Saints, in English – the first three from St Paul to the Hebrews, the middle three from the great St Augustine on the City of God, and the last three from Bl Macarius, a devout Greek author doubtless well-known to the first Dormitionists from their close study of ancient manuscripts brought back from the Holy Land:


From the Epistle to the Hebrews.
Heb. 11:33-38
(The Saints) by faith conquered kingdoms, wrought justice, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions, quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, recovered strength from weakness, became valiant in battle, put to flight the armies of foreigners: women received their dead raised to life again. But others were racked, not accepting deliverance, that they might find a better resurrection. And others had trial of mockeries and stripes, moreover also of bands and prisons. They were stoned, they were cut asunder, they were tempted, they were put to death by the sword, they wandered about in sheepskins, in goatskins, being in want, distressed, afflicted: of whom the world was not worthy; wandering in deserts, in mountains, and in dens, and in caves of the earth. — But Thou, O Lord, have mercy upon us. R/. Thanks be to God.
Apoc. 14, 13; II Mach. 12:45
R/. i. Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord, * That they may rest. V/. They who had fallen asleep with godliness had great grace laid up for them, * That they may rest.
 Heb. 12:1-2, 22-24
And therefore we also having so great a cloud of witnesses over our head, laying aside every weight and sin which surrounds us, let us run by patience to the fight proposed to us: looking on Jesus, the author and finisher of faith, who having joy set before him, endured the cross, despising the shame, and now sitteth on the right hand of the throne of God. But you are come to mount Sion, and to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to the company of many thousands of angels, and to the church of the firstborn, who are written in the heavens, and to God the judge of all, and to the spirits of the just made perfect, and to Jesus the mediator of the new testament, and to the sprinkling of blood which speaketh better than that of Abel. — But Thou, O Lord, have mercy upon us. R/. Thanks be to God.
Wis. 3:1, 3; I Th. 4:12a
R/. ii. The souls of the just are in the hand of God. * They are in peace. V/. We will not have you ignorant, brethren, concerning them that are asleep. * They are in peace.
 Heb 12:26b-28; 13:20-21
Now he promiseth, saying: Yet once more, and I will move not only the earth, but heaven also. And in that he saith, Yet once more, he signifieth the translation of the moveable things as made, that those things may remain which are immoveable. Therefore receiving an immoveable kingdom, we have grace; whereby let us serve, pleasing God, with fear and reverence. And may the God of peace, who brought again from the dead the great pastor of the sheep, our Lord Jesus Christ, in the blood of the everlasting testament, fit you in all goodness, that you may do his will; doing in you that which is well pleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom is glory for ever and ever. Amen. — But Thou, O Lord, have mercy upon us. R/. Thanks be to God.
Rom. 6:3, 4a; Col. 3:3
R/. iii. Know you not that all we, who are baptized in Christ Jesus, are baptized in his death? * For you are dead; and your life is hid with Christ in God. V/. For we are buried together with him by baptism into death; * For you are dead; and your life is hid with Christ in God.

A Lesson of St Augustine the bishop.

There shall be accomplished the words of the psalm, “Be still, and know that I am God.” (Ps 45:11) There shall be the great Sabbath which has no evening, which God celebrated among His first works, as it is written, “And God rested on the seventh day from all His works which He had made. And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it; because that in it He had rested from all His work which God began to make.” (Genesis 2:2-3) For we shall ourselves be the seventh day, when we shall be filled and replenished with God's blessing and sanctification. There shall we be still, and know that He is God. — But Thou, O Lord, have mercy upon us. R/. Thanks be to God.

R/. iv. We shall have eternal leisure to see that He is God, for we shall be full of Him when He * Shall be all in all. V/. How great shall be that felicity, which shall afford leisure for the praises of God, who * Shall be all in all.

For even our good works, when they are understood to be rather His than ours, are imputed to us that we may enjoy this Sabbath rest. For if we attribute them to ourselves, they shall be servile; for it is said of the Sabbath, “You shall do no servile work in it.” (Deuteronomy 5:14) Wherefore also it is said by Ezekiel the prophet, “And I gave them my Sabbaths to be a sign between me and them, that they might know that I am the Lord who sanctify them.” (Ezekiel 20:12) This knowledge shall be perfected when we shall be perfectly at rest, and shall perfectly know that He is God. — But Thou, O Lord, have mercy upon us. R/. Thanks be to God.
Ezechiel 20:20; Ps 45:11a
R/. v. Sanctify my sabbaths, that they may be a sign between me and you: and that you may know that I am * The Lord your God. V/. Be still and see that I am God. * The Lord your God.

After this period God shall rest as on the seventh day, when He shall give us (who shall be the seventh day) rest in Himself. Suffice it to say that the seventh shall be our Sabbath, which shall be brought to a close, not by an evening, but by the Lord's day, as an eighth and eternal day, consecrated by the resurrection of Christ, and prefiguring the eternal repose not only of the spirit, but also of the body. There we shall rest and see, see and love, love and praise. This is what shall be in the end without end. For what other end do we propose to ourselves than to attain to the kingdom of which there is no end? — But Thou, O Lord, have mercy upon us. R/. Thanks be to God.
Luke 1:32b-33; Heb 12:22-24a
R/. vi. Jesus shall reign for ever * And of his kingdom there shall be no end. V/. You are come to mount Sion, and to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to the company of many thousands of angels, and to the church of the firstborn, who are written in the heavens, and to God the judge of all, and to the spirits of the just made perfect, and to Jesus the mediator of the new testament, * And of his kingdom there shall be no end.

Continuation of the holy Gospel according to Matthew.
Matthew 11, 25-30
At that time Jesus answered and said: I confess to thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them to the little ones. — And so on.

A homily of blessed Macarius.

In the shadow of the law given by Moses, God decreed that everyone should rest on the Sabbath and do nothing. This was a figure and shadow of the true Sabbath given to the soul by the Lord. For the soul, that has been deemed worthy to have been set free from shameful and sordid thoughts, both observes the true Sabbath and enjoys true rest, being at leisure and freed from the works of darkness. For there in the typical Sabbath, even though they rested physically, their souls, however, were enslaved to evils and wickednesses. However, this, the true Sabbath, is genuine rest, since the soul is at leisure and is purified from the temptations of Satan and rests in the eternal rest and joy of the Lord. — But Thou, O Lord, have mercy upon us. R/. Thanks be to God.
II Par. 14, 7; Jos. 22, 4a
R/. vii. We have sought the Lord the God of our fathers, * And He hath given us peace round about. V/. The Lord your God hath given your brethren rest and peace. * And He hath given us peace round about.

Just as then God decreed that also the irrational animals should rest on the Sabbath, that the ox should not be forced under the yoke of necessity, they should not burden the ass (for even the animals themselves were to rest from their heavy works), so, when the Lord came and gave the true and eternal Sabbath, He gave rest to the soul heavily burdened and loaded down with the burdens of iniquity, of unclean thoughts and labouring under restraint in doing works of injustice as though it were under slavery to bitter masters. And He lightened the soul from its burdens, so difficult to bear, of vain and obscene thoughts. And He took away the yoke, so bitter, of the works of injustice and gave rest to the soul, that had been worn out by the temptations of impurity. — But Thou, O Lord, have mercy upon us. R/. Thanks be to God.
Lev. 16, 31; 23, 32b
R/. viii. It shall be a Sabbath of rest: * And you shall afflict your souls by a perpetual religion. V/. From evening until evening you shall celebrate your Sabbaths. * And you shall afflict your souls by a perpetual religion.

For the Lord calls man to his rest, saying: “Come, all you who labour and are heavily burdened and I will refresh you” (Mt 11:28). And as many persons as obey and draw near, He refreshes them from all these heavy and burdensome and unclean thoughts. And they are at leisure from every iniquity, observing the true, pleasing, holy Sabbath. And they celebrate a feast of the Spirit, of joy and ineffable exultation. And they celebrate a pure service, pleasing to God from a pure heart. This is the true and holy Sabbath. Let us, therefore, entreat God that we may enter into this rest (Heb 4:11) and we may be freed from shameful and evil and vain thoughts so that thus we may be able to serve God out of a pure heart and celebrate the feast of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, blessed is he who enters into that rest. Glory to the Father Who is so well pleased and the Son and the Holy Spirit, forever. Amen. — But Thou, O Lord, have mercy upon us. R/. Thanks be to God.
Isaias 58, 13b. 12b. 11a
R/. ix. If thou call the Sabbath delightful, * Thou shalt be called the repairer of the fences, † Turning the paths into rest. V/. The Lord will give thee rest continually. * Thou shalt be called the repairer of the fences, † Turning the paths into rest. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. † Turning the paths into rest.



The Psalms appointed at Matins are the same as those in the Monastic Breviary for the various classes at Saints; those at first Vespers and Lauds are the festal five and nine respectively, as in the Office of the Dormition; those at second Vespers are as in the Roman Breviary prior to the reforms of St Pius X.

1st & 2nd VESPERS

Aña. Pretioſa in conſpectu Domini: mors Sanctorum ejus.

Cap. In paſcuis uberrimis paſcam eas, et in montibus excelſis Iſraël erunt paſcua earum: ibi requieſcent in herbis virentibus, et in paſcuis pinguibus paſcentur ſuper montes Iſraël.

R/. Iſte homo perfecit omnia, quæ locutus eſt ei Deus, et dixit ad eum: Ingredere in requiem meam: * Quia te vidi juſtum coram me ex omnibus gentibus. V/. Iſte est, qui contempſit vitam mundi, et pervenit ad cæleſtia regna. * Quia te vidi juſtum coram me ex omnibus gentibus. Gloria Patri, et Filio, et Spiritui Sancto. * Quia te vidi juſtum coram me ex omnibus gentibus.

Hymnus. O quanta qualia…

V/. Domine, quis habitabit in tabernaculo tuo?
R/. Aut quis requieſcet in monte ſancto tuo?

Pro Sancto
Magn. Aña. Domine, iſte Sanctus habitabit in tabernaculo tuo, operatus eſt juſtitiam, requieſcet in monte ſancto tuo.

Pro Sancta
Magn. Aña. Nigra ſum, ſed formoſa, filiæ Jeruſalem; ideo dilexit me Rex, et introduxit me in cubiculum ſuum.

Pro pluribus
Bened. Aña. Exſultabunt Sancti in gloria, lætabuntur in cubilibus ſuis: exaltationes Dei in faucibus eorum.


Invit. Introivit/Introierint in * Requiem meam. (Ps 94:11c)
[S/he has/They have entered into * My rest.]

Non dicitur Hymnus.

Aña. Vacate, et videte quoniam ego ſum Deus.

V/. Beati qui habitant.
R/. In domo tua, Domine.

Lectio i.
De Epistola ad Hebræos.
c. 11, 33-38
Sancti per fidem vicerunt regna, operati sunt juſtitiam, adepti ſunt repromiſſiones, obturaverunt ora leonum, extinxerunt impetum ignis, effugerunt aciem gladii, convaluerunt de infirmitate, fortes facti ſunt in bello, caſtra verterunt exterorum: acceperunt mulieres de reſurrectione mortuos ſuos: alii autem diſtenti ſunt non ſuſcipientes redemptionem ut meliorem invenirent reſurrectionem. Alii vero ludibria, et verbera experti, inſuper et vincula, et carceres: lapidati ſunt, ſecti ſunt, tentati ſunt, in occiſione gladii mortui ſunt, circuierunt in melotis, in pellibus caprinis, egentes, anguſtiati, afflicti: quibus dignus non erat mundus: in ſolitudinibus errantes, in montibus, in ſpeluncis, et in cavernis terræ. Tu autem, Domine, miſerere noſtri. R/. Deo gratias.
Apoc. 14, 13; II Mach. 12, 45
R/. i. Beati mortui qui in Domino moriuntur, * Ut requieſcant. V/. Hi qui cum pietate dormitionem acceperant, optimam haberent repoſitam gratiam, * Ut requieſcant.

Lectio ii.
c. 12, 1-2 & 22-24
Ideoque et nos tantam habentes impoſitam nubem teſtium, deponentes omne pondus, et circumſtans nos peccatum, per patientiam curramus ad propoſitum nobis certamen: aſpicientes in auctorem fidei, et conſummatorem Jeſum, qui propoſito ſibi gaudio ſuſtinuit crucem, confuſione contempta, atque in dextera ſedis Dei ſedet. Sed acceſſiſtis ad Sion montem, et civitatem Dei viventis, Jeruſalem cæleſtem, et multorum millium angelorum frequentiam, et eccleſiam primitivorum, qui conſcripti ſunt in cælis, et judicem omnium Deum, et ſpiritus juſtorum perfectorum, et teſtamenti novi mediatorem Jeſum, et ſanguinis aſperſionem melius loquentem quam Abel. Tu autem, Domine, miſerere noſtri. R/. Deo gratias.
Wis. 3, 1 & 3; I Th. 4, 13a
R/. ii. Juſtorum animæ in manu Dei ſunt, * Illi ſunt in pace. V/. Nolumus autem vos ignorare fratres de dormientibus, * Illi ſunt in pace.

Lectio iii.
cc. 12, 26b-28 & 13, 20-21
Nunc autem repromittit, dicens: Adhuc ſemel, et ego movebo non ſolum terram, ſed et cælum. Quod autem, Adhuc ſemel, dicit: declarat mobilium tranſlationem tamquam factorum, ut maneant ea quæ ſunt immobilia. Itaque regnum immobile ſuſcipientes, habemus gratiam: per quam ſerviamus placentes Deo, cum metu et reverentia. Deus autem pacis, qui eduxit de mortuis paſtorem magnum ovium, in ſanguine teſtamenti æterni, Dominum noſtrum Jeſum Chriſtum, aptet vos in omni bono, ut faciatis ejus voluntatem: faciens in vobis quod placeat coram ſe per Jeſum Chriſtum: cui eſt gloria in ſæcula ſæculorum. Amen. Tu autem, Domine, miſerere noſtri. R/. Deo gratias.
Rom. 6, 3 & 4a; Col. 3, 3
R/. iii. An ignoratis quia quicumque baptizati ſumus in Chriſto Jeſu, in morte ipſius baptizati ſumus? * Mortui enim eſtis, et vita veſtra eſt abſcondita cum Chriſto in Deo. V/. Conſepulti enim ſumus cum illo per baptiſmum in mortem: * Mortui enim eſtis, et vita veſtra eſt abſcondita cum Chriſto in Deo.

Lectio iv.
Lectio beati Auguſtini Epiſcopi.
De Civitate Dei, XXII, 30
Ibi perficietur: Vacate et videte quoniam ego ſum Deus; quod erit vere maximum ſabbatum non habens veſperam, quod commendavit Dominus in primis operibus mundi, ubi legitur: Et requievit Deus die ſeptimo ab omnibus operibus ſuis, quæ fecit, et benedixit Deus diem ſeptimum et ſanctificavit eum, quia in eo requievit ab omnibus operibus ſuis, quæ inchoavit Deus facere. Dies enim ſeptimus etiam nos ipsi erimus, quando ejus fuerimus benedictione et ſanctificatione pleni atque refecti. Ibi vacantes videbimus quoniam ipſe eſt Deus. Tu autem, Domine, miſerere noſtri. R/. Deo gratias.

R/. iv. Vacabimus in æternum, videntes quia ipſe eſt Deus, quo pleni erimus quando ipſe * erit omnia in omnibus. V/. Quanta erit illa felicitas, vacabitur Dei laudibus, qui * erit omnia in omnibus.

Lectio v.
Nam et ipsa opera bona noſtra, quando ipſius potius intelleguntur eſſe, non noſtra, tunc nobis ad hoc ſabbatum adipiſcendum imputantur; quia ſi nobis ea tribuerimus, ſervilia erunt, cum de ſabbato dicatur: Omne opus ſervile non facietis; propter quod et per Hiezechielem prophetam dicitur: Et ſabbata mea dedi eis in ſignum inter me et inter eos, ut ſcirent quia ego Dominus, quo ſanctifico eos. Hoc perfecte tunc ſciemus, quando perfecte vacabimus, et perfecte videbimus quia ipſe eſt Deus. Tu autem, Domine, miſerere noſtri. R/. Deo gratias.
Ezechiel 20, 20; Ps. 45, 11a
R/. v. Sabbata mea ſanctificate, ut ſint ſignum inter me et vos, et ſciatis quia ego ſum * Dominus Deus veſter. V/. Vacate, et videte quoniam ego ſum Deus. * Dominus Deus vester.

Lectio vi.
Poſt hanc tamquam in die ſeptimo requieſcet Deus, cum eundem diem ſeptimum, quod nos erimus, in ſe ipſo Deo faciet requieſcere. Hæc tamen ſeptima erit ſabbatum noſtrum, cujus finis non erit veſpera, ſed dominicus dies velut octavus æternus, qui Chriſti reſurrectione ſacratus eſt, æternam non ſolum ſpiritus, verum etiam corporis requiem præfigurans. Ibi vacabimus et videbimus, videbimus et amabimus, amabimus et laudabimus. Ecce quod erit in fine ſine fine. Nam quis alius noſter eſt finis niſi pervenire ad regnum, cujus nullus eſt finis? Tu autem, Domine, miſerere noſtri. R/. Deo gratias.
Luc. 1, 32b. 33; Heb. 12, 22-24a
R/. vi. Jeſus regnabit in æternum, * Et regni ejus non erit finis. V/. Acceſſiſtis ad Sion montem, et civitatem Dei viventis, Jeruſalem cæleſtem, et multorum millium angelorum frequentiam, et eccleſiam primitivorum, qui conſcripti ſunt in cælis, et judicem omnium Deum, et ſpiritus juſtorum perfectorum, * Et regni ejus non erit finis.

Lectio vii.
Sequentia ſancti Evangelii ſecundum Joannem.

In illo tempore reſpondens Jeſus dixit: Confiteor tibi, Pater, Domine cæli et terræ, quia abſcondiſti hæc a ſapientibus, et prudentibus, et revelaſti ea parvulis. Et reliqua.

Homilia beati Macarii.

In umbra legis per Moyſen datæ mandavit Deus, unumquemque requieſcere in ſabbatho, et nihil agere. Hoc autem figura erat et umbra veri ſabbathi, quod animæ donatur a Domino. Anima enim, quæ digna cenſetur ab obſcœnis et turpibus cogitationibus liberari, tum verum ſabbathum celebrat, tum veram requiem requieſcit, otium agens et liberata ab omnibus operibus tenebroſis. Illic enim in typici ſabbathi celebratione, etſi corpora quieſcebant, verumtamen animæ nequitiis ac vitiis erant illigatæ. Hoc vero, verum ſabbathum vera eſt requies animæ, quæ vacat, et expurgata eſt a cogitationibus ſatanæ, et requieſcit in perpetua quiete et lætitia Domini. Tu autem, Domine, miſerere noſtri. R/. Deo gratias.
II Par. 14, 7; Jos. 22, 4a
R/. vii. Quæſierimus Dominum Deum patrum noſtrorum, * Et dederit nobis pacem per gyrum. V/. Dedit Dominus Deus veſter fratribus veſtris quietem et pacem. * Et dederit nobis pacem per gyrum.

Lectio viii.
Quemadmodum enim tunc mandavit, vt ipſa quoque bruta animalia ſabbatho quieſcerent, ne bos ſub jugum neceſſarium traheretur; ne aſino onera imponerentur; (quieſcebant enim ipſa quoque animalia a duris operibus;) ſic quoque cum veniſſet Dominus, et verum æternumque ſabbathum contuliſſet, refocillavit animam oneribus iniquitatis, immundarumque cogitationum gravatam et onuſtam, et operantem iniquitatis opera neceſſario, quippe quæ ſub acerborum dominorum ſervitutem erat redacta; et levavit eam ob oneribus intolerabilibus, variis atque obſcœnis cogitationibus, ſublatoque graui lugo operum iniquorum recreauit eam, cogitationibus impuris laborantem. Tu autem, Domine, miserere nostri. R/. Deo gratias.
Lev. 16, 31; 23, 32b
R/. viii. Sabbatum requietionis eſt, * Et affligetis animas veſtras religione perpetua. V/. A veſpera uſque ad veſperam celebrabitis ſabbata veſtra. * Et affligetis animas veſtras religione perpetua.

Lectio ix.
Dominus enim vocat hominem ad recreationem, inquiens: Venite ad me omnes, qui laboratis et onerati eſtis, et ego refocillabo vos. Itaque quæcumque animæ crediderint et acceſſerint, reficiet eas ab his gravibus, moleſtis, et immundis cogitationibus, quæ vacantes ab omni iniquitate, celebrant ſabbathum verum, deliciarum plenum et ſanctum: peragunt feſtum Spiritus, gaudii et exultationis inerrabilis, et ſerviunt ſervitium purum et Deo gratum ex puro corde, hoc eſt, verum et ſanctum ſabbathum. Obſecremus ergo nos quoque Deum, ut ingrediamur in hanc requiem, ut ſeriemur a turpibus, malitioſis atque vanis cogitationibus, quo hoc pacto poſſimus ſervitium exhibere Deo ex puro corde, ac celebrare feſtum Spiritus ſancti. Beatus ergo, qui ingreſſus eſt illam requiem. Gloria Patri, cui ſic placuit, et Filio, et Spiritui ſancto in ſecula. Amen. Tu autem, Domine, miſerere noſtri. R/. Deo gratias.
Isaias 58, 13b. 12b. 11a
R/. ix. Si vocaveris ſabbatum delicatum, * Vocaberis ædificator ſepium, † Avertens ſemitas in quietem. V/. Requiem tibi dabit Dominus ſemper. * Vocaberis ædificator ſepium, † Avertens ſemitas in quietem. Gloria Patri et Filio et Spiritui Sancto. † Avertens ſemitas in quietem.

Te Deum.

V/. Congregati ſunt.
R/. Et in cubilibus ſuis collocabuntur.

Aña. Exſultabunt Sancti in gloria: lætabuntur in cubilibus ſuis.

Cap. In paſcuis uberrimis paſcam eas, et in montibus excelſis Iſraël erunt paſcua earum: ibi requieſcent in herbis virentibus, et in paſcuis pinguibus paſcentur ſuper montes Iſraël.

Hymnus. O quanta qualia…

V/. Corpora Sanctorum in pace ſepulta ſunt.
R/. Et vivent nomina eorum in æternum.

Pro Sancto
Bened. Aña. Obdormivit in Domino.

Pro Sancta
Bened. Aña. Elegit eam Deus, et præelegit eam: in tabernaculo ſuo habitare facit eam.

Pro pluribus
Bened. Aña. Beati mortui qui in Domino moriuntur, ut requieſcant.


Aña. Exſultabunt Sancti in gloria: lætabuntur in cubilibus ſuis.


Aña. Corpora Sanctorum in pace ſepulta ſunt: et vivent nomina eorum in æternum.

Cap. In paſcuis uberrimis paſcam eas, et in montibus excelſis Iſraël erunt paſcua earum: ibi requieſcent in herbis virentibus, et in paſcuis pinguibus paſcentur ſuper montes Iſraël.

R/. In cæleſtibus regnis Sanctorum * Habitatio est.
R/. In cæleſtibus regnis Sanctorum * Habitatio est.
V/. Et in æternum requies eorum. * Habitatio est.
Gloria Patri et Filio et Spiritui Sancto.
R/. In cæleſtibus regnis Sanctorum * Habitatio est.

V/. Exſultabunt Sancti in gloria.
R/. Lætabuntur in cubilibus ſuis.


Aña. In cæleſtibus regnis Sanctorum habitatio est, et in æternum requies eorum.

Cap. Audivi vocem de cælo, dicentem mihi: Scribe: Beati mortui qui in Domino moriuntur. Amodo jam dicit Spiritus, ut requieſcant a laboribus ſuis.

R/. Exſultabunt Sancti * In gloria.
R/. Exſultabunt Sancti * In gloria.
V/. Lætabuntur in cubilibus ſuis. * In gloria.
Gloria Patri et Filio et Spiritui Sancto.
R/. Exſultabunt Sancti * In gloria.

V/. Pretioſa in conſpectu Domini.
R/. Mors Sanctorum ejus.


Aña. Congregati ſunt, et in cubilibus ſuis collocabuntur.

Cap. Juſtorum animæ in manu Dei ſunt, et non tanget illos tormentum mortis.  Viſi ſunt oculis inſipientium mori: illi autem ſunt in pace.

R/. Pretioſa * In conſpectu Domini.
R/. Pretioſa * In conſpectu Domini.
V/. Mors Sanctorum ejus. * In conſpectu Domini.
Gloria Patri et Filio et Spiritui Sancto.
R/. Pretioſa * In conſpectu Domini.

V/. In cæleſtibus regnis Sanctorum habitatio est.
R/. Et in æternum requies eorum.

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