Sunday, July 7, 2013

Chasing the Sun

It's July, and the coldest time of year; so I'm taking my latest holidays in Queensland. As I don't like lazing about on beaches, nor mucking about in boats, I'll be flying up to Cairns, then driving by easy stages all the way to Noosa... about 2,000 km (including detours). I head off on Monday morning.

Since it has been snowing this weekend in central Tasmania, and given that I'm about to travel, I decided not to go to Hobart for the monthly Missa cantata, and instead attended Mass in my own parish last night.

Pray for me, as I travel in partibus...

1 comment:

  1. Snow in July...why, the world turned upside down!

    Prayers for the journey!

    ~ Jon
    Lancaster, Pennsylvania
    (where today it's going to 91F)
