Monday, July 29, 2013

Caroline Chisholm Library Fundraising Dinner

I am a member of Melbourne's excellent Caroline Chisholm Library (though, as I live in Tasmania, I rarely get to visit it), and have been asked to advertise their upcoming 20th anniversary Fundraising Dinner (see below), to be preceded by a Mass of Thanksgiving held in the beautiful and historic chapel of the Academy of Mary Immaculate (a lovely chapel indeed, and otherwise not open to the public; and what a name for a school). But do note, dear reader, these interesting details about the Library, and consider visiting it, attending talks there, and becoming a member:

The Caroline Chisholm Library, located in the Melbourne CBD, is a theological lending and reference library with approximately 30,000 volumes of Catholic and Christian literature, specialising in Church History, Hibernica, patristics, hagiography, spirituality and mysticism. There are substantial collections of works by John Henry Newman, Thomas Aquinas, G. K. Chesterton, Jacques Maritain and Etienne Gilson, among others. The library regularly hosts lectures [I gave one a decade ago], a book club and discussion groups. All members of the public are welcome to browse the library, use it for reference purposes or attend lectures. Library membership is available for a low fee and this grants borrowing rights.
Melbourne is one of the few cities in the English speaking world with an extensive Catholic library primarily devoted to helping aid the intellectual faith development of the Catholic laity.
The library is run by Catholic lay volunteers and receives no financial assistance from the Church - it is reliant on membership fees and fundraising for financial support. Hence, this upcoming dinner...

On Thursday 8th August 2013
The Caroline Chisholm Library
Will celebrate 20 Years of Life and Service
6 p.m.  Mass of Thanksgiving
Chapel of the Academy of Mary Immaculate
88 Nicholson Street Fitzroy
7 p.m. for 7.30,
Fund-raising & Celebration Dinner
The Pumphouse Hotel
128 Nicholson Street, Fitzroy (opposite Exhibition Gardens)
Speaker: Julian McMahon, Barrister,
Catholic Faith in the Public Arena
 Meal $80 per head; $150 per double; Drinks at bar prices.
For Bookings or information please call 03 9670 1815 or 0411 483 494

Please pay by cash, cheque or transfer to the library’s account:- 
ANZ Bank,  BSB 013040 Account 254936888
Tax Deductible Donations for the Library Most Welcome
*** Please: Put note on transfer: “Name”, plus “dinner” or “donation”. 

1 comment:

  1. They even have a website!
