Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Liturgical Calendar of the Australian Ordinariate

In between reading up on Byzantine Rite liturgiology (I have been making my way through Taft, as well as sundry liturgical works), I have noticed that Australia's Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of the Southern Cross has published its official liturgical calendar.

Note that the Ordinariate of course observes all celebrations proper to the Calendar for the Latin Rite dioceses of Australia, such the Solemnities of St Patrick, Our Lady Help of Christians, and St Mary of the Cross (Mackillop).

Herewith, my transcription of the celebrations proper to the Ordinariate itself, first noting that it includes 32 optional memorials (1 downgraded from memorial), 4 memorials (3 upgraded from optional), 2 feasts (one upgraded from memorial) and 1 solemnity:

12 January - St. Benedict Biscop, abbot - optional memorial
13 January - St. Kentigern (Mungo), bishop - optional memorial
19 January - St. Wulfstan, bishop - optional memorial
1 February - St. Brigid of Kildare, abbess - optional memorial
4 February - St. Gilbert of Sempringham, religious - optional memorial
1 March - St. David, bishop - optional memorial
16 April - St. Magnus of Orkney, martyr - optional memorial
19 April - St. Alphege, bishop and martyr - optional memorial
21 April - St. Anselm of Canterbury, bishop and doctor of the Church - memorial
23 April - St George, martyr – memorial
4 May - The English Martyrs - optional memorial
19 May - St. Dunstan, bishop - optional memorial
27 May - St Augustine of Canterbury, bishop and Patron – feast
8 June - St William of York, bishop – optional memorial
9 June - St. Columba, abbot - optional memorial
15 June - [Anniversary of the erection of the Ordinariate of Our Lady of the Southern Cross, by Pope Benedict XVI, 2012] – optional memorial [sic]
16 June - St. Richard of Chichester, bishop - optional memorial
20 June - St. Alban, martyr - optional memorial
22 June - St. John Fisher, bishop, and St. Thomas More, martyrs - memorial
23 June - St. Etheldreda (Audrey), virgin - optional memorial
1 July - St. Oliver Plunkett, bishop and martyr - optional memorial
15 July - St. Swithun, bishop - optional memorial
30 August - St. Margaret Clitherow, St. Anne Line and St. Margaret Ward, martyrs - optional memorial
31 August - St. Aidan of Lindisfarne, bishop, and Saints of Lindisfarne - optional memorial
1 September - Our Lady of the Southern Cross, titular celebration of the Australian Ordinariate - solemnity
4 September - St. Cuthbert, bishop - optional memorial
19 September - St. Theodore of Canterbury, bishop - optional memorial
24 September - Our Lady of Walsingham – feast
3 October - St. Thomas of Hereford, bishop - optional memorial
8 October – [optional memorials transferred from 9 October]
9 October - Bl John Henry Newman, priest – memorial
10 October - St. Paulinus of York, bishop - optional memorial
12 October - St. Wilfrid, bishop - optional memorial
13 October - St. Edward the Confessor - optional memorial
19 October - St. Frideswide, abbess - optional memorial
26 October – St. Chad and St. Cedd, bishops - optional memorial
7 November - St. Willibrord, bishop - optional memorial
17 November - St. Elizabeth of Hungary, religious, or St. Hilda, abbess, or St. Hugh of Lincoln, bishop - optional memorials
20 November - St. Edmund, martyr - optional memorial
1 December - St. Edmund Campion, priest and martyr - optional memorial

The Ordinariate, now just over a year old, has thirteen priests (with an upcoming diaconal ordination in early July); and doubtless (no figures are available) a small but goodly number of lay members. One trusts that God will grant the increase. Forward the Ordinariate!


  1. A disappointing calendar; largely lifted from the calendar for England and Wales in the new translation of the Roman Missal, but actually not really proper to the Ordinariate, or Anglican, tradition at all, still less the Australian tradition, bar Our Lady of the Southern Cross (which is very appropriately observed as a solemnity). But where is St Mary McKillop (8 August)? She may not be particularly Anglican, but she is certainly an Australian saint, and these are not yet two a penny, though may God send many more. If the good fathers would like a calendar of the Sarum saints, I would be very pleased to oblige. I know a priest in Canberra who would similarly be helpful.
    And Newman only a memorial?
    Why is our Lady of Walsingham a feast? In England that makes sense, but in Australia…?

  2. I did not mention that the Australian Ordinariate of course observes all the proper celebrations proper to the Church in Australia, such as St Mary Mackillop, St Patrick, ANZAC Day, et al. Please don't jump to conclusions!

  3. I can confirm that we won't be having the Rogation Days in Oz. the season given was that it is a harvest festival and we are in the opposite part of the world making it a little superfluous in the land down under.
