Saturday, April 13, 2013

Gaudete, Populi: an Oratory to be established in Brisbane

According to this press release from the Archdiocese of Brisbane, a new Congregation of the Oratory – that excellent form of priestly life in common established by St Philip Neri – is to be set up in Brisbane by 2016. Four experienced priests from around Australia, together with two current seminarians (who will go overseas to train) will form the nucleus of this new Oratory, which has been in planning for two years.

As a devout (though sinful) client of St Philip, I can only rejoice at this wonderful and unexpected news, and beseech him to intercede with the Lord that this venture may be blessed with every success.


  1. Would be good to have one in Melbourne. I know of at least two Anglican Churches where the buildings might be empty soon

  2. How fascinating. Which ones could you possibly mean?
