Monday, February 11, 2013

His Holiness to Resign!

I feel quite unable to believe it, but it is true – His Holiness Benedict XVI has staggered all, by announcing that he freely renounces the Papacy, on the grounds of ill-health, effective as of 8 pm Rome time on Friday 28th February. A conclave will then be held to elect his successor.

Pray, pray for the Holy Roman Church, that she be not long bereaved of an earthly pastor, but that the Cardinals may elect a worthy successor to this most humble Supreme Pontiff, the first since St Celestine V to resign the Papal throne, and, like him, doing so conscious of his frailty, and intent upon henceforth devoting himself to a life of prayer.


  1. A wry moment this morning: "The Examiner", Launceston's daily newspaper, contained not one mention of the Papal resignation. Evidently the editor, journalists and printers were all safely tucked up in bed before 10 pm local time, when the news broke in Rome...

  2. I do not wish to see an italian pope,but hopefully one from the Developing world,whicc would reflect the greater number of the Fiathful
