Sunday, November 4, 2012

To Hobart for the 23rd Sunday after Pentecost

Time to quickly complete my preparations, and depart: I must head down to Hobart this morning, in order to assist at our State's monthly Missa cantata – hopefully the next archbishop, whenever Rome deigns at length to appoint him, will act more conformably to the spirit of Summorum pontificum – and help Father out by acting as his M.C.

Please of your charity pray for Ben, a dear old friend of mine, who is dying of cancer, and for Jane his devoted wife; they have ever been supporters of the Latin Mass, as always good Catholics throughout their lives; Ben is now too ill to come to Mass, but I will call on them ere I return.

1 comment:

  1. I was horrified to see how ill Ben now is - last month, he was, not perhaps the best, but still his usual self, enjoying lunch with us all after Mass; to-day, he was barely awake, sitting up in a chair all rugged up with blankets, his food virtually untouched before him, looking very jaundiced, with livid bruises shewing; his hands and legs were swollen, his grip - normally strong - very weak. I fear he is not long for this world.

    Please, pray for Ben and for Jane his wife and their family.
