Thursday, November 1, 2012

Ecce Tabernaculum Dei cum Hominibus

Behold, the Tabernacle of God with men! – as once the Israelites, en route to the Promised Land, erected at each encampment the Tent of Meeting, the Tabernacle of God's Presence with them, so Christians in their life's journey to heaven have with them Emmanuel, God Incarnate, not only present in his grace and mercy, but made really present on every altar and therefore dwelling amongst us in every tabernacle, each living heart of our churches; and just so the Christus Rex pilgrims, when on Saturday lacking a church for the celebration of High Mass, set up a costly pavilion for the altar, upon which the solemnities of the Sacrifice are enacted, Christ revealing himself in splendour and entering our hearts when the Divine Mysteries are offered, consecrated and received.

 Awaiting the sacred ministers...

The Gospel of the Mass

(There was also a humbler tent – out of view down the "nave" of this forest glade on the Epistle side – for the choir and organ: yes, we brought an organ along.)

Some observed that the only thing lacking was pennants flying from the corners of this splendid tent, with the lion rampant of Christus Rex upon them; as for myself, I kept expecting Aslan to appear, strolling between the pine trees, but of course He appears in our world under a different form to that seen in Narnia...

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