Saturday, November 3, 2012

Customary Readings

My copy of the Customary of Our Lady of Walsingham arrived this morning, thanks be; after using it for Morning Prayer and Sext – for as a layman, I am free to use such devotions as I list, please God, moved by His Spirit – I have spent a happy few hours making an index of the post-biblical readings included within it (since the volume itself does not possess such).  

What riches! thus is spread before the reader and hearer that Anglican Patrimony which our Pope rightly calls a gift to be shared with the wider Church.  There are post-Biblical readings provided for all Sundays and Feasts, as well as for celebrations of those Saints either found in the Ordinariate calendar, or specially connected with the British Isles.

Having made this index, I note that, after the great convert Newman himself (who contributes 29 readings,  almost one fifth of the total, especially those for some of the holiest days in the Christian year, such as Advent Sunday, Christmas Day, Epiphany, Candlemas, the First Sunday in Lent, Easter Sunday, Ascension Day, the Annunciation, the Immaculate Conception, Mary Mother of God, the Transfiguration, and Christ the King), the largest number of readings are taken from the saintly but ever-Anglican John Keble (20 such, including many for Sundays and feasts of Apostles), while in third place lies good old St Bede the Venerable (with 14: for Ash Wednesday, All Saints, and sundry Anglo-Saxon saints). In fourth place, with six readings, is Lancelot Andrewes...

Of the lifelong Anglicans from whose works selections have been made for the Customary, eight Caroline Divines provide 21 readings, four Tractarians (not counting those who became Catholics) supply 26 readings (Keble the great majority of these), and five twentieth century Anglican writers – among them, T. S. Eliot - provide five readings.

The full list of readings – divided at my decision into Catholic Writers, Mediæval Writers of the British Isles, Recusants, Converts, and (lastly) lifelong Anglicans – is as follows:

Readings (158)

Catholic Writers (4)

Anonymous mediæval Icelandic
St Magnus of Orkney 568

St Gregory the Great (Pope, Apostle of the English; c. 540 – 604)
St Mellitus      575

Pope Paul VI (1897-1978)
The English Martyrs  577

Socrates Scholasticus (b. c. 380; Armenian adaptation)*
St Helena         582

[*I would prefer Evelyn Waugh…]

Mediæval Writers of the British Isles (37 writers, 65 readings)

[Alphabetized by Christian name, with Anon. first]

Anonymous, A Meditation of the Five Wounds of Jesu Christ
Sacred Heart    383

Anonymous, Life of St Frideswide
St Frideswide  634

Anonymous, Life of St Osmund
St Osmund      602

Anonymous, Life of St Swithun
St Swithun      600

Anonymous, The Cloud of Unknowing
15th Sunday after Trinity        424

St Abbo of Fleury (O.S.B.; in England, 986-7; c. 945 – 1004)
St Edmund      651

Adam of Evesham (O.S.B.; † 1191)
St Hugh of Lincoln

St Adomnán of Iona (627/8-704)
St Columba of Iona     591

St Ælred of Rievaulx (O.Cist.; 1110-1167)
Bidding at Advent Procession            185
St Ælred of Rievaulx   552
St Ninian         616

Alcuin of York († 804)
St Willibrord   640

St Aldhelm (Bishop of Sherbourne, c. 639 – 709)
St Piran           565
St Petroc         585
St Aldhelm      586

St Anselm of Canterbury (1093-1109)
Trinity Sunday           371
Our Lady of Walsingham        621

St Bede the Venerable (c. 672/3-735)
Ash Wednesday          269
All Saints        542
St Benedict Biscop     554
St Augustine of Canterbury    589
St Etheldreda (Audrey)           598
St Oswald, King & Martyr     605
St Aidan & SS of Lindisfarne  610
St Gregory the Great, Pope, Apostle of the English  612
St Cuthbert     614
St Theodore of Canterbury     619
St Paulinus of York     628
St Ethelburga   630
SS Chad & Cedd         636
St Hilda           649

Cogitosus (fl. c. 650)
St Brigid of Kildare     560

Eadmer (c. 1060 – c. 1126)
St Alphege      570
St Dunstan      580

Eddius Stephanus (8th C.)
St Wilfrid        631

Gilbert of Hoyland (O.Cist.; † c. 1172)
4th Sunday of Easter[tide]       335

St Gilbert of Sempringham (c. 1083 - 1190)
St Gilbert of Sempringham     561

Goscelin (b. Flanders, moved to England; fl. c. 1058-1106)
St Edith of Wilton       618

Hugh le Barber (fl. 1307)
St Thomas of Hereford           624

Bl Isaac of Stella (O.Cist.; b. England; † c. 1169)
2nd Sunday after Epiphany     241
St John Baptist           498

Jocelyn of Furness (fl. 1175-1214)
St Kentigern (Mungo) 556

St John Fisher (Bishop of Rochester; 1469-1535)
SS Peter & Paul, Apostles      501
Holy Cross Day         527
SS John Fisher & Thomas More        596

John of Ford (O.Cist.; c. 1140-1214)
3rd Sunday after Epiphany     243
Palm Sunday   295
Our Lady’s Birthday  524

Mother Julian of Norwich (c. 1342 – c. 1416)
Assumption    517

Matthew Paris (O.S.B.; c. 1200-1259)
St Edmund of Abingdon         644

Nicholas Love (O.Cart.; † c. 1424)
Holy Family   202
Corpus Christi            377

Ralph Bocking (O.P.; † 1270)
St Richard of Chichester         594

Reginald of Durham (O.S.B.; † c. 1190)
St Godric of Finchale  583

Rhigyfarch (1057-1099)
St David of Wales       563

Richard of St Victor (C.R.S.A.; b. Scotland; † 1173)
3rd Sunday of Advent             172

Richard Rolle (1290-1349)
Most Holy Name of Jesus     207
3rd Sunday in Lent      278
18th Sunday after Trinity        428

Robert Pennant (12th C.)
St Winefride    638

Roger of Byland (O.Cist.; Abbot of Byland, 1142-1196)
2nd Sunday of Christmas[tide]            208

St Thomas More (1478-1535)
19th Sunday after Trinity        430
All Souls         544

Walter Hilton (C.R.S.A.; † 1396)
Sunday after Ascension          351

William of Malmesbury (c. 1095/6 - 1143)
St Wulstan      558

Recusants (3)

Anonymous, Acts of Martyrdom of St Edmund Campion
St Edmund Campion   654

John Mush (1551/2-1612/13)
SS Margaret Clitherow, Anne Line, & Margaret Ward          608

Robert Persons (S.J.; 1546-1610)
All SS of England        642

Anglican Converts to Catholicism (3 writers, 34 readings)

[Alphabetized by surname]

Henry Edward Manning (1808-1892; converted 1851)
4th Sunday after Trinity          407
8th Sunday after Trinity          413
Chair of St Peter         477

Bl John Henry Newman (1801-1890; converted 1845)
1st Sunday of Advent 169
Christmas Day            200
Maria Mater Dei         205
Epiphany        227
Candlemas       237
6th Sunday after Epiphany      247
1st Sunday in Lent       275
2nd Sunday in Lent      276
4th Sunday in Lent       279
Easter Sunday 319
Easter Tuesday           322
Easter Thursday         324
5th Sunday of Easter[tide]       336
Ascension Day           346
Whit Monday 360
Whit Thursday           364
20th Sunday after Trinity        431
Christus Rex   451
St Andrew, Apostle    457
Immaculate Conception          460
St Stephen       462
Annunciation (Lady Day)      481
St Mark, Evangelist    484
St Matthias, Apostle  489
Transfiguration           512
St Bartholomew, Apostle       519
SS Simon & Jude, Apostles    538
St George        573
Bl John Henry Newman         625

Robert Isaac Wilberforce (1802-1857; converted 1854)
12th Sunday after Trinity        420
16th Sunday after Trinity        426

Anglican Writers (17 writers, 52 readings)

[Alphabetized by surname]

Lancelot Andrewes (Bishop of Winchester; 1555-1626)
Baptism of the Lord   233
Passion Sunday           290
Low Sunday    331
Pentecost (Whitsunday)         352
Whit Tuesday 361
Whit Friday    365

William Beveridge (Bishop of St Asaph; 1637-1708)
22nd Sunday after Trinity       434
24th Sunday after Trinity        445

Dom Gregory Dix (1901-1952)
Whit Wednesday        363

Thomas Stearns Eliot (1888-1965)
St Thomas à Becket (of Canterbury)  656

Austin Farrer (1904-1968)
Easter Saturday           327

Mark Frank (1613-1664)
2nd Sunday after Trinity         404
5th Sunday after Trinity          408
11th Sunday after Trinity        418

John Keble (1792-1866)
4th Sunday of Advent 174
4th Sunday after Epiphany      244
Septuagesima  249
Quinquagesima            252
3rd Sunday of Easter[tide]       333
1st Sunday after Trinity          403
7th Sunday after Trinity          411
13th Sunday after Trinity        421
17th Sunday after Trinity        427
St John, Evangelist      465
Holy Innocents           468
Conversion of St Paul 472
St Joseph        479
SS Philip & James, Apostles  487
St Barnabas, Apostle  494
St Thomas, Apostle    504
St James, Apostle       507
St Matthew, Apostle & Evangelist    529
St Luke, Evangelist     526
St John, Apostle, in Eastertide (ante portam Latinam)          578

Thomas Ken (Bishop of Bath & Wells; 1637-1711)
3rd Sunday after Trinity          405
6th Sunday after Trinity          410

William Laud (Archbishop of Canterbury; 1573-1645)
23rd Sunday after Trinity        443

Henry Parry Liddon (1829-1890)
9th Sunday after Trinity          415
21st Sunday after Trinity        433

Eric Lionel Mascall (1905-1993)
Visitation        491

John Mason Neale (1818-1866)
Dedication Festival or Dedication of St John Lateran            384

John Pearson (Bishop of Chester; 1612-1686)
2nd Sunday of Advent             171
Easter Monday           320
SS Michael, Gabriel & Raphael, Archangels   533

Edward Bouverie Pusey (1800-1882)
5th Sunday after Epiphany      246
Sexagesima      250
6th Sunday of Easter[tide]       338

Arthur Michael Ramsey (Archbishop of Canterbury; 1904-1988)
Easter Wednesday      323

Thomas Traherne (1636/7-1674)
Easter Friday  325
Whit Saturday 367
14th Sunday after Trinity        423

Thomas Wilson (Bishop of Sodor & Man; 1697-1755) [1]
10th Sunday after Trinity        416

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