Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Customary of Our Lady of Walsingham: A Review

Having now examined the contents of the new Customary of Our Lady of Walsingham as diligently as I could, and used it in my prayers over the last few days, I must say it is a most commendable publication.  It affords the Ordinariate(s), and the wider English-speaking Catholic world, not only forms of service (Mattins, Evensong, Compline, Litany, etc.) drawn from the uncontroversially good aspects of Anglicanism, but perhaps most especially a valuable collection of readings taken from that same tradition, reminding all that the Anglican Patrimony is not merely a mode of celebrating the liturgy (let alone "eleven o-clock Mattins followed by the vicarage tea-party"), but a distinct theological and spiritual school that can indeed flourish in full communion with the wider Church.

I may have certain quibbles about details of the liturgical arrangements provided, but that is all they are; I have specified my various critiques in the last several posts I have made on this subject, which for convenience I give as links below:

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