Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Off on Pilgrimage

Thanks be that the Christus Rex Pilgrimage here in Australia is a great deal easier than the Paris to Chartres Pilgrimage!  I depart on Thursday evening for Ballarat via Melbourne, in order to be ready to begin at the Cathedral in Ballarat at 6:30 am on Friday... God willing, matters conclude in Bendigo with High Mass on Sunday afternoon; then we celebrate that evening, and depart the next morning (after Mass and brunch). I return home on Monday evening.

Last night, our little schola met as usual for practice, followed by Compline and Benediction: but, very appropriately, we interposed a Procession within the church, singing Christus vincit, that marvellous litanic prayer of petition and praise, which by coincidence, or rather, by Providence, is just such as we sing while on the Christus Rex Pilgrimage. Viva Christo Rey!

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