Saturday, September 8, 2012

Off to Marvellous Melbourne

I love Melbourne; and will be glad to fly over there for a little holiday break this evening.  To-morrow, I'll attend the inaugural Ordinariate Mass at Holy Cross, South Caulfield, at 11 am – and also Evensong at the same at 7 pm, if I have read their schedule aright.

For those four priests just ordained this morning, I pray every blessing, that their ministry be fruitful, and they give great glory to God and a good hope to men.  May their congregation, just-received into the full communion of the Catholic Church last night, alike receive every blessing from the Lord, that they persevere and grow in holiness to his honour and their own salvation, preaching the Gospel by their very lives, and thus evangelizing all.  Our Lady of the Southern Cross, rejoicing with these co-heirs and adopted brothers and sisters of her Son, on this happy feast of her Nativity, will no doubt intercede with a mother's love for them all.

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