Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Brisbane Ordinariate Ordinations

Praise the Lord: two more men to be ordained priests for the Ordinariate of Our Lady of the Southern Cross.  The Ordinariate's official website states:
Your prayers are asked for Lyall Cowell and Antony Iball to be ordained priest, and for Stephen Hill to be ordained to the transitional diaconate, in St Stephen’s Cathedral, Brisbane, on the evening of the Feast of St Luke, Thursday October 18th 2012.
The ordinations will be conducted by the Most Reverend Mark Coleridge, Archbishop of Brisbane, on behalf of the Very Reverend Harry Entwistle, Ordinary of the Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of the Southern Cross.
A quick check of the Anglican Catholic Church in Australia's directory reveals that Antony Iball is currently curate at the ACCA's Patmos House Community in  Brisbane; I assume the others are also associated with the same – certainly a 2011 report lists Stephen Hill as "the youngest priest of the TAC" and also as a curate there.  There is a Padre Lyall Cowell listed as an Anglican Army chaplain... so he may come, not from the TAC, but from the Brisbane Anglican diocese.

Patmos House was for some time in the care of Bp David Chislett, prior to his leaving the ACCA a year or more ago.  Is the Patmos House Community of lay faithful to enter the Ordinariate en bloc?  Pray that it be so.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent news. In fact Stephen and I shared a number of classes in our Masters studies, so glad to know all that Catholic education is finally paying off!
