Sunday, August 5, 2012

Prayers for the Ordinariates


While there is a longer set of suggested prayers for the Ordinariates (drawn up by Bp Elliott, I believe – see this link), I prefer simply to add the following after the Angelus:

V/. Pray for them, O holy Mother of God.
R/. That they may be one in the Church of thy Son.

Our Lady of Walsingham, pray for them.
Our Lady of the Atonement, pray for them.
Our Lady of the Southern Cross, pray for them.
St Joseph, pray for them.
St John the Baptist, pray for them.
St Peter, pray for them.
St Augustine of Canterbury, pray for them.
Bl John Henry Newman, pray for them.

The versicle is intended to pray for all the incoming "groups of Anglicans", while the six invocations are intended as prayers for the nascent Ordinariates three, invoking the titulars and the patrons of each – but, as the U.S. Ordinariate has Our Lady of Walsingham as patroness, after whom the U.K. Ordinariate is named, and as historically U.S. Anglicans came into Catholic unity under the patronage of Our Lady of the Atonement, I prefer to invoke Our Lady under these three titles, rather than twice under the same one.

NB I have just added St Joseph – patron of Canada – and the Baptist to the list of intercessors, since (as of 7th December 2012) a distinct Canadian Deanery, under the latter's patronage, of the Ordinariate of the Chair of St Peter (whose territory has been extended to Canada) has been erected for incoming Anglicans there.  Hopefully in due season it will be constituted a distinct Canadian Ordinariate.

This little addition is short enough to be doable, I feel, each time I say the Angelus.

May Our Lady and all the saints intercede for all incoming Anglicans, that drawn by the Spirit indeed they may be made one in Holy Church united, and made worthy of Christ's promises, to the glory of God the Father.

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