Sunday, July 8, 2012

Not till October

Heard at Mass to-day from our parish priest: the Nuncio has written to Archbishop Doyle (who passed the canonical retirement age last November), telling him not to expect any news from Rome regarding His Grace's replacement till October – since, it being high summer in Italy, all the Curial offices are closed and no work is happening!

I fear for our Nuncio: he is revealing all the secrets of the Church, and this cannot bode well for his diplomatic career.  (I recall being in Rome a month ago, and a curial official telling me that he had several letters to write that day – and that's all.)

At least now I have an intention to take with me for the Christus Rex Pilgrimage this October: either to pray for a good strong priest to become Archbishop of Hobart, or to offer prayers (hopefully in thanksgiving) for whomever may be appointed, if Rome acts prior to the 26th of that month, when our walk begins.

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