Friday, June 29, 2012

Congratulations Fr Hunwicke

I have been pleased to see the reports online (google them) of Fr Hunwicke's ordination in Oxford on Wednesday, and his first Mass in London on Thursday.  Ad multos annos!

Next time I'm in the UK, I will be very glad to receive the Eucharist at his hands.

Special thanks are due to all readers who joined in prayer for Fr Hunwicke in the lead-up to his ordination, whether by joining in the Novena to St Philip Neri that I posted, or in their own devout manner.

In Holy Church united, on this feast of the Princes of the Apostles, it is good indeed to feel and know that all things are being renewed, things cast down are being raised up, and those brought into true fellowship in Christ now offer His oblation for the salvation of all.

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