Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Easter Tuesday Compline and Benediction

It was good to be at church last night, to sing and worship and share Easter cheer.  Just a small flock gathered (some singers being away), but that included our priest of course, and also Bp Robarts of the TAC, waiting on the doorstep of the Church as it were (no offence intended!) as he awaits news from Rome of the establishment of the Australian Ordinariate.  The good bishop was edifying as always, when, during our time of Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, he set us an example of prayerful intercession extempore, or rather ex abundantia cordis tui, as Fr Allan put it when asking him to do so beforehand.  For the record, it being Easter week, the Sanctissimum was brought forth while we sang Victimæ paschali laudes (I was assisting Fr as thurifer meanwhile), and after It had been returned to the tabernacle at the end, we concluded with O filii et filiæ.  It is good to gaze upon the Risen Christ.

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