Friday, March 9, 2012

The New Translation: My Survey Results

While not of course a substitute for a proper statistical survey, I have been heartened by the 120 contributions to my sidebar survey of the takeup of the new translation of the Mass in the Ordinary Form of the Roman Rite in English.  Since I will eventually delete it and put up some other survey, here are the final results:


Yes, fully and happily, Deo gratias!                            60 (50%)
Yes, fully, but he grumbles about it.                           11 (9%)
Only partially - he still uses the 1970's version a bit.   4 (3%)
No - he's stuck in the 1970's.                                         5 (4%)

N/A - I attend the Latin Mass.                                    28 (23%)
N/A - I'm Eastern Rite.                                                 4 (3%)
N/A - I'm not a Catholic.                                               8 (6%)

Votes so far: 120  (Poll closed) 

The last three categories demonstrate – assuming those answering are a representative subset of my blog readers – that 23% (or about a quarter) of those perusing this blog are Latin Mass attenders (O that I could number myself among such!), while 3% are Eastern Rite, and 6% are non-Catholic (but, one assumes, somewhat interested in matters liturgical).

I therefore subtract those 40 contributions in the last three groups, and find that, amongst Ordinary Form Mass-goers who answered my survey:


Yes, fully and happily, Deo gratias!                            60 (75%)
Yes, fully, but he grumbles about it.                           11 (14%)
Total "fully implemented"                                             71 (89%)
Only partially - he still uses the 1970's version a bit.   4 (  5%)
Total "fully" and "partially" implemented                   75 (94%
No - he's stuck in the 1970's.                                         5 (  6%)

How heartening!  Despite some grumbling from a minority, the great majority have accepted and fully implemented the new translation; and amongst the minority, even most of them have put it into effect (some incompletely).  Only a very few priests are so rebellious and defiant as to refuse to use the new translation.

This little online survey of mine, of course, is no substitute for a proper survey, but it does reflect anecdotal reports to the effect that the new translation has been brought into use almost everywhere, with very little trouble.

Total: 80

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