Saturday, February 18, 2012

Lazy Saturday

Work has been good but very tiring this week, so it was great to sleep in this morning!  At length, I proceeded down town, and enjoyed coffee... several coffees... at my favourite eating place while reading my way through The Weekend Australian.  My outlook on life thus refreshed with prognostications of the coming overthrow of our Prime Minister, it was time for lunch: a nice rare scotch fillet, with café de Paris butter, french fries and a light salad.  This delicious dish reminded me of a very pleasant meal I ate in Wellington in January last year: the same main, with entree of salad niçoise and a nice aperitif before that.

Coming home, I found my aunt and uncle just arrived, and it was good to chat together, they having spent the morning calling in on friends (one in hospital); after their brief visit, time for some needed but unwanted work repotting a few plants; while they were still here, I even gathered a few of this year's potato crop (kipflers), and with Uncle I admired the fruit developing on the quince tree I planted in memory of my late father soon after his death.  The rest of my time I spent reading and writing on liturgical topics (my blogging being nothing to my own ongoing explorations), till now, after a not-so-good supper, I settle down for some television while internetting on my laptop.

I am so lucky! such are my easy relaxations, while in other countries every manner of vileness is being perpetrated – outright massacres in Syria*, cruel tortures in sundry benighted lands, and so ad nauseam.  My own little life is safe and secure, it seems, but how can that be fair when others fare so ill?  Lord, grant mercy and justice.

[*A chilling thought: during my own lifetime, there have been many genocides committed: in Cambodia, in Bosnia, in Rwanda... and add to that the ongoing abortion holocaust in this and many other countries.  Wilful murder is a crime crying out to heaven for vengeance – how long, O Lord?]

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