Saturday, February 4, 2012

Anglicanæ Traditiones

From a recent report of Bp Elliott about his visit to the U.K. and the Ordinariate there:

However, my main reason for enduring two weeks in a London winter, was a meeting of the Interdicasterial Commission, “Anglicanae Traditiones”, convened by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and the Congregation for Divine Worship to work out an Anglican Use liturgy for the Ordinariates. Meeting at the Brompton Oratory, where I stayed for the second week of my visit, the commission has worked well and what it finally produces ought to contribute much to the identity and spirituality of the Ordinariates.

How very interesting!  I am sure something pleasingly Baroque would be inspired by a liturgy planning meeting at the Brompton Oratory!


I see that the members of the Interdicasterial Commission Anglicanae traditiones are:

Archbishop Augustine DiNoia, OP (chairman)
Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone
Bishop Peter Elliott
Msgr. Andrew Burnham
Father Uwe Michael Lang, CO

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