Friday, January 6, 2012

In a similar way

Am I the only person to find the phrase "In a similar way", employed in the new translation of the Mass in every one of the Eucharistic Prayers to render the Latin Simili modo (or rather Similiter, in the case of the first E.P. for Reconciliation), very banal?  I note that in the old translation, the words Simili modo were simply left untranslated! – except in E.P. IV, where they were rendered "In the same way", which, though less accurate, does, to be honest, sound better in English.

In the Anglican Use Mass approved by Rome, the phrase is rendered as "Likewise", which I contend is a better-sounding translation.


  1. Or "Similarly" - it's not that bad! The problem sometimes with translations is that they don't think of applying the direct, one word, cognate in the target language. It often makes for a much better translation.

  2. I suppose the delivery of the phrase will also determine the banality or un-banality.

  3. Very true!

    It reminds me of an American priest lampooning one of those Eucharistic Prayers for Children (are they meant to be used when the priest is a child?), by reading with the most hilarious intonation those sacred words:

    "He came to take away sin,
    which keeps us from being friends,
    and hate,
    which makes us all unhappy." (EPC II)

    True sentiments - but say them with saccharine tone, and ROTFL!
