Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Not a Pervert Priest, Deo gratias

Investigations having determined there is no substance to the allegations raised by Abp Hepworth of the T.A.C. against Monsignor Dempsey of the Archdiocese of Adelaide, I wish to make it plain that the latter has been cleared of all imputation of criminal acts.  I have corrected my earlier post about this sad story accordingly.

The only good to be drawn out of this mess is that, Deo gratias! no filthy crime was committed, according to the result of this investigation, and instead the memory of one man (troubled by other sufferings inflicted by perverts) proved inaccurate, the actions of another intemperate, and the trials of a third issued in a declaration of innocence.  I suppose that is something for which to be grateful.


  1. I have no horse in the race, living in Mauritius and being a Roman. You affirm and write that "no filthy crime was committed". This puzzles me. I would have been more prudent and would have written that the Committee found that no filthy crime(a crime is always filthy) was committed. Accepting the Committee's fndings and whether the facts happened or not are two different matters.

  2. Thank you for this. I have amended the post accordingly.

  3. Indeed, in an alleged crime to which there were apparently no actual eyewitnesses the investigator has merely arrived at a view on the credibility of the views of the two key players based on the views of the contextual witnesses brought forward by the accused alone (since the Archbishop refused to participate, not least because he has had some past history with the investigator).

    Moreover, what we have been told may be deliberately ambiguous: the investigator believes no case for rape can be made, but does that mean he thinks that consensual homosexual sex occurred? And that in turn prompts other questions...

    In any case, the matter has now been referred to the police.
