Sunday, November 27, 2011

Maria, quæ mortalium

The good nuns at Carmel sang this hymn as a recessional after Mass on Saturday, last day of the Christian year, the Mass having been a Votive of Our Lady of Mount Carmel.  What a good prayer it is! "When all other succour faileth, Our Lady's grace helpeth." (The Mirror of Our Lady.)

O Mary, you are swift to hear
Whoever calls on you in pray'r
And lovingly you answer all:
Keep us forever in your care.

Be near us if the fearful bonds
Of sin's allurements snare us here.
Break quickly the entangling chains
And free our hearts of guilt and fear.

Come to our aid if worldly dreams
Dazzle our sight, our wills betray,
Let not our minds, forgetting God,
From saving pathways turn away.

Come with your aid when troubles come,
Misfortunes threaten, dangers near, 
Bring peace to all our earthly days
Until eternal day is here.

To us your children ever be
A stronghold at that final hour
That with your aid we may attain
The joys of heaven, by your power.

To Father, Son and Spirit be
All glory, honour, praises given
Who clothed you with his wondrous grace
And crowned you Queen of earth and heaven.

Maria, quæ mortalium: translated by Sr Mary Paula OCD of Long Beach Carmel.

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