Monday, November 14, 2011

Caveat Emptor

I resolved some months ago to buy a hand-missal, having the new translation of the Ordinary Form Mass I perforce attend, as soon as possible.  Enquiries suggested that layfolk would have to wait till next year, but then I saw something advertised that seemed right – thus, having paid $80.10, plus postage and handling, I had delivered today... the U.S. edition of the Roman Missal, chapel edition!

While a handsome volume, but for the ugly cover illustration, at 24 by 19 cm (or about 9.5 by 7.5 inches) it is hardly portable, being intended for use by the priest himself at the altar, and I'd look a right mental if I dragged it to church with me.

(I seem to recall that Belloc used to port an altar missal to church with him, but that was odd even then.)

Best laid plans and all that...

1 comment:

  1. might have been a good place to start ...
