Thursday, September 8, 2011

Death and Birth: to God be the Glory

Having laid to rest a stedfast handmaid of the Lord, Sr Paul Joseph of Mary the Mother of God, at the end of July, to-day the same Carmel rejoiced in the solemn profession of Sr Elijah Mary of Mount Carmel, on the highly appropriate feast of the Nativity of Our Lady.  I was privileged to attend the Mass along with many other friends of our Carmel here in Launceston, and above all her parents and family.

I transcribe from the booklet the words of her profession of solemn vows:

I, Sister Elijah Mary of Mount Carmel, desiring to live faithfully with the Blessed Virgin Mary a life of allegiance to Jesus Christ, with my sisters as witnesses, into your hands, Mother Elizabeth Mary Katrina of the Trinity, vow to Almighty God for ever, chastity, poverty and obedience according to the Rule and Constitutions of the Discalced Nuns of the Order of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Mount Carmel.  With my whole heart I give myself to this religious institute restored by Saint Teresa to seek perfect charity in the service of our Mother the Church, by the grace of the Holy Spirit and the help of the Mother of God, through constant prayer and evangelical self-denial, and to give eternal glory to the Most Holy Trinity.

Truly, she and her fellow nuns have chosen the better part.  I pray for Sr Paul Joseph, that she rest now in peace, having the reward of a good and faithful servant – but also make bold to ask her prayers, that as she trod the steep slopes of Mount Carmel, forsaking all save the Cross, Sr Elijah Mary may persevere in following the narrow path that leads to life.

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