Saturday, August 27, 2011

Masses of Our Lady and of the Saints

We give glory to God for the triumphs of His grace in His Saints, and above all in the Immaculate Virgin Mother of Our Lord; and their victory over sin and death, being their participation in the Victory over sin and death won by Christ at His Resurrection, we celebrate, praying that, by their intercession, the Lord may impart a like grace, that we too may share in their victory – that, as they have attained unto the safe haven of heaven, there to enjoy for ever and ever "a place of refreshment, light, and peace", so we too may be numbered among the Saints, there to rest and repose in glory everlasting.  Full rightly we sing Te Deum on such feasts!

It will be unsurprising that those devout sons of Mary, the Dormitionists, focus particularly on the eschatological state of rest already entered into by the Blessed Virgin and the Saints, looking forward in hope, minding and recalling that so vast a host of witnesses spurs us on to victory, to share the prize of everlasting life hidden with Christ in God, in endless rest.

For this reason, the Missale O. Dorm., besides the Mass for the Dormition of Our Lady (her falling asleep in Christ, the older name for her Assumption which this venerable Order retains) and other principal proper Masses (such as that for the Seven Sleepers, secondary patrons of the Order), contains but one common Mass (In pascuis, named after its Introit as is normal) for all categories of Saints, in place of the usual collection of Masses for Martyrs, Confessors, Virgins, and so forth.  Only the collect, secret and postcommunion vary.  This Mass focusses on the one thing common to all Saints: that, as they have "run the great race and finished the course" they now enjoy unending rest.

In this way, the Dormitionists exemplify the deep truth that the spiritual life is at base very simple: it is the stedfast quest for union with God.  These Canons thus keep ever before their mind their entire object and charism: to, even now, have a real foretaste of that blessed, supernatural rest in the Lord's arms which will, please God, for them prove eternal.

In the days before Christ, the Mosaic Law enjoined a day of rest only every seventh day, a first presage of eschatological rest; the New Testament, perfecting the Old, bringing in the last days before the End of Time, may thus be rightly held to herald rest every day.

As well as providing a real foretaste of this, the continual repetition of the Mass In pascuis serves a more immediate purpose, in that its repeated use effectually lulls the attendant religious to sleep.  Why trouble priest and congregation with unaccustomed variety?  (For utterly the same reason, the Breviary contains but one Common for all classes of Saints.)

From the Missale O. Dorm., I below transcribe, first the Mass for Saints, and then the Mass of the Dormition.  In the first case, the Latin is followed by an English version thereof, now first made by yours truly:


In paſcuis uberrimis paſcam eas, et in montibus excelſis Iſraël erunt paſcua earum: ibi requieſcent in herbis virentibus, et in paſcuis pinguibus paſcentur ſuper montes Iſraël.  (T.P.  Alleluja, alleluja.)
Ps.  Dominus regit me, et nihil mihi deerit: in loco paſcuæ, ibi me collocavit.
V/.  Gloria Patri, et Filio, et Spiritui Sancto.  Sicut erat in principio, et nunc, et ſemper, et in ſæcula ſæculorum.  Amen.
In paſcuis…

Collecta propria.

Pro Martyribus:
Lectio libri Apocalypſis beati Joannis apoſtoli.

In diebus illis:
Vidi ſubtus altare animas interfectorum propter verbum Dei, et propter teſtimonium, quod habebant: et clamabant voce magna, dicentes: Uſquequo Domine (ſanctus et verus), non judicas, et non vindicas ſanguinem noſtrum de iis qui habitant in terra?  Et datæ ſunt illis ſingulæ ſtolæ albæ: et dictum eſt illis ut requieſcerent adhuc tempus modicum donec compleantur conſervi eorum, et fratres eorum, qui interficiendi ſunt ſicut et illi.

Pro non Martyribus:
Lectio libri Apocalypſis beati Joannis apoſtoli.

In diebus illis:
Audivi vocem de cælo, dicentem mihi: Scribe: Beati mortui qui in Domino moriuntur. Amodo jam dicit Spiritus, ut requieſcant a laboribus ſuis: opera enim illorum ſequuntur illos.

Responsorium Graduale
Cantate Domino canticum novum; laus ejus in eccleſia ſanctorum.
V/.  Exſultabunt ſancti in gloria; lætabuntur in cubilibus ſuis.

Alleluja, alleluja.  V/.  Juſtus ſi morte præoccupatus fuerit, in refrigerio erit.  Alleluja.

Pro sancta:
Alleluja, alleluja.  V/.  Elegit eam Deus, et præelegit eam: in tabernaculo ſuo habitare facit eam.  Alleluja.

Juſtus ſi morte præoccupatus fuerit, in refrigerio erit.
V/.  Placens Deo factus eſt dilectus, et vivens inter peccatores tranſlatus eſt.
V/.  Raptus eſt, ne malitia mutaret intellectum ejus, aut ne fictio deciperet animam illius.

Pro sancta:
Trahe me, poſt te curremus in odorem unguentorum tuorum.
V/.  Ideo dilexit me Rex, et introduxit me in cubiculum ſuum.
V/.  Elegit eam Deus, et præelegit eam: in tabernaculo ſuo habitare facit eam.

Tempore Paschale:
Alleluja, alleluja.  V/.  Domine, quis habitabit in tabernaculo tuo: aut quis requieſcet in monte ſancto tuo?  Alleluja.
V/.  Juſtus ſi morte præoccupatus fuerit, in refrigerio erit.  Alleluja.

T.P., pro sancta:
Alleluja, alleluja.  V/.  Domine, quis habitabit in tabernaculo tuo: aut quis requieſcet in monte ſancto tuo?  Alleluja.
V/.  Elegit eam Deus, et præelegit eam: in tabernaculo ſuo habitare facit eam.  Alleluja.

Sequentia ſancti Evangelii ſecundum Joannem.

In illo tempore reſpondens Jeſus dixit: Confiteor tibi, Pater, Domine cæli et terræ, quia abſcondiſti hæc a ſapientibus, et prudentibus, et revelaſti ea parvulis.  Ita Pater: quoniam ſic fuit placitum ante te.  Omnia mihi tradita ſunt a Patre meo.  Et nemo novit Filium, niſi Pater: neque Patrem quis novit, niſi Filius, et cui voluerit Filius revelare.  Venite ad me omnes qui laboratis, et onerati eſtis, et ego reficiam vos.  Tollite jugum meum ſuper vos, et diſcite a me, quia mitis ſum, et humilis corde: et invenietis requiem animabus veſtris.  Jugum enim meum ſuave eſt, et onus meum leve.

Juſtorum animæ in manu Dei ſunt, et non tanget illos tormentum mortis.  Viſi ſunt oculis inſipientium mori, et æſtimata eſt afflictio exitus illorum, et quod a nobis eſt iter exterminium; illi autem ſunt in pace.  (T.P. Alleluja.)

Secreta propria.

Dixit Dominus: Facies mea præcedet te, et requiem dabo tibi.  (T.P. Alleluja.)

Postcommunio propria.


Office (i.e. Introit)
Ezechiel 34, 14; Psalm 22, 1b-2a
I will feed them in the most fruitful pastures, and their pastures shall be in the high mountains of Israel: there shall they rest on the green grass, and be fed in fat pastures upon the mountains of Israel.  (P.T. Alleluia, alleluia.)
Ps.  The Lord ruleth me, and I shall want nothing: He hath set me in a place of pasture.
Glory be… I will feed…

Proper Collect.

Epistle (for Martyrs)
Lesson from the book of the Apocalypse of blessed John the Apostle.
Apocalypse 6, 9b-11
In those days:
I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of God, and for the testimony which they held.  And they cried with a loud voice, saying: How long, O Lord (holy and true) dost thou not judge and revenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth?  And white robes were given to every one of them one; and it was said to them, that they should rest for a little time, till their fellow servants, and their brethren, who are to be slain, even as they, should be filled up.

Epistle (for Non-Martyrs)
Lesson from the book of the Apocalypse of blessed John the Apostle.
Apocalypse 14, 13
In those days:
I heard a voice from heaven, saying to me: Write: Blessed are the dead, who die in the Lord. From henceforth now, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours; for their works follow them.

Psalm 149, 1 & 5
R/.  Sing ye to the Lord a new canticle: let his praise be in the church of the saints.
V/.  The saints shall rejoice in glory: they shall be joyful in their beds.

Wisdom 4, 7
Alleluia, alleluia.  V/.  The just man, if he be prevented with death, shall be in rest.  Alleluia.

For a Virgin or Matron:
Alleluia, alleluia.  V/.  God hath chosen her, and forechosen her: in his tabernacle he hath made her to dwell.  Alleluia.

Tract (from Septuagesima until Easter)
Wisdom 4, 7. 10. 11
The just man, if he be prevented with death, shall be in rest. 
V/.  He pleased God and was beloved, and living among sinners he was translated.
V/.  He was taken away lest wickedness should alter his understanding, or deceit beguile his soul.

For a woman:
Canticle 1, 3a
Draw me: we will run after thee to the odour of thy ointments.
V/.  For the king hath loved me, and brought me into his chamber.
V/.  God hath chosen her, and forechosen her: in his tabernacle he hath made her to dwell.

1st & 2nd Alleluia (Paschaltide)
Psalm 14, 1
Alleluia, alleluia.  V/.  Lord, who shall dwell in thy tabernacle? or who shall rest in thy holy hill?  Alleluia.
Wisdom 4, 7
V/.  The just man, if he be prevented with death, shall be in rest.  Alleluia.

For a Virgin or Matron:
Psalm 14, 1
Alleluia, alleluia.  V/.  Lord, who shall dwell in thy tabernacle? or who shall rest in thy holy hill?  Alleluia.
V/.  God hath chosen her, and forechosen her: in his tabernacle he hath made her to dwell.  Alleluia.

Continuation of the holy Gospel according to Matthew.
Matthew 11, 25-30
At that time Jesus answered and said: I confess to thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them to the little ones.  Yea, Father; for so hath it seemed good in thy sight.  All things are delivered to me by my Father. And no one knoweth the Son, but the Father: neither doth any one know the Father, but the Son, and he to whom it shall please the Son to reveal him.  Come to me, all you that labour, and are burdened, and I will refresh you.  Take up my yoke upon you, and learn of me, because I am meek, and humble of heart: and you shall find rest to your souls.  For my yoke is sweet and my burden light.

Wisdom 3, 1-3
The souls of the just are in the hand of God, and the torment of death shall not touch them.  In the sight of the unwise they seemed to die: and their departure was taken for misery: and their going away from us, for utter destruction: but they are in peace.  (P.T. Alleluia.)

Proper Secret.

Exodus 33, 14
The Lord said: My face shall go before thee, and I will give thee rest.  (P.T. Alleluia.)

Proper Postcommunion.

It will be noted that the Mass of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary (which the Dormitionists use in place of the usual Saturday Mass of Our Lady), while focussing on the eternal repose attained by Holy Mary, of course acknowledges with the universal Church the bodily assumption of the Mother of God into heaven; since it was compiled long centuries before the dogmatic definition made in 1950, it is naturally not quite so explicit on that point, but is no less orthodox for that.  

The texts of the Mass are very similar to those of the pre-1950 Roman and Dominican propers; the Dormitionist Canons made some small changes only, in order to highlight their particular devotion, as for instance in the Introit, Preface and Postcommunion, while replacing the Gradual, Alleluia and Offertory with more pertinent words.

(Outside of its use on the actual feast, the Collect is reworded, hujus diei festivitas being replaced with illius diei memoria.)

In festo Dormitionis B. M. V.

Gaudeamus omnes in Domino, diem feſtum celebrantes ſub honore beatæ Mariæ Virginis: de cujus Dormitione gaudent Angeli, et collaudant Filium Dei.
Ps 3, 6 a, c.  Ego dormivi, et ſoporatus ſum: quia Dominus ſuſcepit me.

Veneranda nobis, Domine, hujus diei feſtivitas opem conferat ſalutarem, in qua ſancta Dei Genitrix mortem ſubiit temporalem, nec tamen mortis nexibus deprimi potuit, quæ Filium tuum Dominum noſtrum de ſe genuit incarnatum: Qui tecum vivit et regnat in unitate Spiritus Sancti, Deus, per omnia ſæcula ſæculorum.  R/.  Amen.

Lectio libri Sapientiæ.
Ecclus 24, 11-13 & 15-20
In omnibus requiem quæſivi, et in hæreditate Domini morabor.  Tunc præcepit, et dixit mihi Creator omnium: et qui creavit me, requievit in tabernaculo meo, et dixit mihi: In Jacob inhabita, et in Israël hæreditare, et in electis meis mitte radices.  Et ſic in Sion firmata ſum, et in civitate ſanctificata ſimiliter requievi, et in Jeruſalem poteſtas mea.  Et radicavi in populo honorificato, et in parte Dei mei hæreditas illius, et in plenitudine ſanctorum detentio mea. Quaſi cedrus exaltata ſum in Libano, et quaſi cypreſſus in monte Sion: quaſi palma exaltata ſum in Cades, et quaſi plantatio roſæ in Jericho: quaſi oliva ſpecioſa in campis, et quaſi platanus exaltata ſum juxta aquam in plateis.  Sicut cinnamomum et balſamum aromatizans odorem dedi; quaſi myrrha electa dedi ſuavitatem odoris.

Responsorium Graduale
Ps 4, 9-10
In pace in idipſum dormiam, et requieſcam.
V/.  Quoniam tu, Domine, ſingulariter in ſpe conſtituiſti me.

Alleluja, alleluja.  V/.  Elegit eam Deus, et præelegit eam: in tabernaculo ſuo habitare facit eam.  Alleluja.

Sequentia ſancti Evangelii ſecundum Lucam.
c. 10, 38-42
In illo tempore: Intravit Jeſus in quoddam caſtellum: et mulier quædam, Martha nomine, excepit illum in domum ſuam, et huic erat ſoror nomine Maria, quæ etiam ſedens ſecus pedes Domini, audiebat verbum illius.  Martha autem ſatagebat circa frequens miniſterium: quæ ſtetit, et ait: Domine, non eſt tibi curæ quod ſoror mea reliquit me ſolam miniſtrare? dic ergo illi ut me adjuvet.  Et reſpondens dixit illi Dominus: Martha, Martha, ſollicita es, et turbaris erga plurima, porro unum eſt neceſſarium. Maria optimam partem elegit, quæ non auferetur ab ea.

Ps 131, 8 & 9b
Surge, Domine, in requiem tuam, tu et Arca ſanctificationis tuæ; et ſancti tui exſultent.

Subveniat, Domine, plebi tuæ Dei Genitricis oratio: quam etſi pro conditione carnis migraſſe cognoſcimus, in cæleſti gloria apud te pro nobis intercedere ſentiamus.  Per eumdem Dominum noſtrum Jeſum Chriſtum Filium tuum, qui tecum vivit et regnat in unitate Spiritus Sancti, Deus, per omnia ſæcula ſæculorum.  R/.  Amen.

Vere dignum et juſtum eſt, æquum et ſalutáre, nos tibi ſemper et ubíque grátias ágere: Dómine, ſancte Pater, omnípotens ætérne Deus: 
Et te in Dormitione beátæ Maríæ ſemper Vírginis exſultantibus animis laudáre, benedícere, et prædicáre.  Quæ et Unigénitum tuum Sancti Spíritus obumbratióne concépit: et virginitátis glória permanénte, lumen ætérnum mundo effúdit, Jeſum Chriſtum Dóminum nostrum. 
Per quem majeſtátem tuam laudant angeli, adórant dominatiónes, tremunt poteſtátes; cæli, cælorúmque virtútes, ac beáta ſéraphim, ſócia exſultatióne concélebrant.  Cum quibus et noſtras voces, ut admítti júbeas deprecámur, ſúpplici confessióne dicéntes:

Luc 10, 42
Optimam partem elegit ſibi Maria, quæ non auferetur ab ea in æternum.

Mensæ cæleſtis participes effecti, imploramus clementiam tuam, Domine Deus noſter: ut, qui Dormitionem Dei Genitricis colimus, a cunctis malis imminentibus ejus interceſſione liberemur.  Per eumdem Dominum noſtrum Jeſum Chriſtum Filium tuum, qui tecum vivit et regnat in unitate Spiritus Sancti, Deus, per omnia ſæcula ſæculorum.  R/.  Amen.

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