Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Compline, Benediction, and Supper

For the feast of Our Lady Help of Christians, Patroness of Australia, we celebrated with our fortnightly Compline and Benediction, followed by a special supper with good food and good wine.

There was about the best attendance yet, and all were in good voice - even with the rather tricky choice of Gaudeamus omnes in Domino (the Marian version of this Introit) sung as the exposition chant (for indeed we ought all rejoice in the Lord in honour of the Blessed Virgin, at whose solemnity the angels rejoice and together praise the Son of God).

Yours truly, as well as singing, also served as thurifer (thanks, Len, for saying I managed this well, as I am anything but confident wielding the thurible, or "swinging the pot" as you put it!).

Father has just bought a handsome new lamp for Our Lady's statue, which we saw lit for the first time to-night.  De Maria numquam satis...

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