Thursday, February 17, 2011

Lessons and Lauds

This week, as Matins is beyond me, I have taken up praying the Lord's Prayer, then reading the day's Lessons, together with their blessings, responsories, and the Te Deum if appointed, before going straight into the versicle before Lauds and Lauds itself (with Pretiosa).  In other words, by prefixing the second part of Matins to Lauds, I have profited from a good deal of Scripture.  (The readings have been from St Paul to the Philippians, chapters 2 and 3.)

Furthermore, what happy feasts: Bl Jordan of Saxony, O.P., first successor of St Dominic as Master of the Order of Preachers, on Monday (with Memory of St Valentine); Bl Henry Suso, O.P., that ascetic mystic, on Tuesday; a feria yester-day; and feria with Memory of Bl Reginald of Orleans, O.P., he whom the Blessed Virgin cured and  to whom she revealed the habit of the Order, to-day.  A pleasant run through the week of the Sixth after Epiphany, with Septuagesima to come this Sunday: "Alleluia our transgressions make us for a while give o'er" and all that.

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