Thursday, January 13, 2011

To Mt Doom

Off to Mount Doom... or rather, by train to the lower slopes of Mt Ruapehu near Mt Ngauruhoe, used as a backdrop in a certain film.  Unlike the hobbits I will not be bedding down in the wilderness, nor tiptoeing around Sauron, but staying at a luxury chalet in Tongariro National Park (the first in N.Z. and one of the first in the world, gifted to the Crown by the local Maori chief back in 1887).  I do hope the volcanoes behave themselves.

While I'll be unable to hear Mass to-day, I will try and mark the Baptism of the Lord and the Octave Day of the Epiphany.  It's a good day to renew one's own baptismal vows (for the which a plenary indulgence may be gained):
O Christ Jesus, I acknowledge Thee as Universal King.  For Thee all creatures have been made.  Exercise over me all Thy rights; renewing my Baptismal vows I renounce Satan and all his works and pomps and I promise to live as a good Christian.  Especially do I pledge myself to work with all my power for the triumph of the rights of God and of Thy Church.  Divine Heart of Jesus I offer Thee all my poor actions to obtain that all hearts may recognise Thy Sacred Royalty, and that thus the reign of Thy peace may be established throughout the entire world.  Amen.

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