Saturday, January 15, 2011


Two hours each way on the ferry across the Hauraki Gulf, to and from Coromandel, and then about three hours being driven around 100 km across every twisty road leading across that verdant, hilly peninsula... a very enjoyable if tiring Saturday!  (I still feel as if I'm aboard ship.)

My trip was a long-overdue visit to Rev Christopher, whom I knew as a Dominican student in Melbourne, and has since transferred to Auckland Diocese: praise God, he was deaconed in late December, and will be priested on the 7th of May, God willing.  I plan to make this my excuse to revisit New Zealand...

It was good to see him and his parents, all in excellent spirits.  I benefitted from a tasty light lunch, a good bushwalk and a quick tour of some of the sights of the Coromandel.  Many thanks, old friend.

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