Wednesday, December 22, 2010

794th Birthday

Happy anniversary to all Friars of the Order of Preachers: for it was on this day in 1216 that Pope Honorius III issued the Bull giving approval to St Dominic's new order, established to preach the Gospel and thereby save souls.  It is piously believed that Our Lord granted His Mother's plea to raise up these new preachers; and therefore down to modern times the 22nd of December has been kept as the feast of the Patronage of Our Lady.
Deus, qui sub beatissimæ virginis Mariæ singulari patrocinio Ordinem Prædicatorum ad animarum salutem institui, ejusque perpetuis beneficiis cumulari voluisti: præsta supplicibus tuis, ut cujus hodie commemorationem colimus, illius protecti auxiliis ad cælestem gloriam perducamur.  Per...
O God, Who for the salvation of souls didst place the Order of Preachers under the special protection of the most blessed Virgin Mary, and wast pleased to pour out upon it her constant benefits: grant to Thy suppliants that we may be led to the glory of heaven, through the aid of that same protectress whose memory we revere to-day.  Through Our Lord...

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